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7 anos atrás
Pronunciation Tip: ‘Owe’
In this article you’ll learn how to pronounce the word ‘owe’. This will give you the key to pronouncing...
 2 minutos
5 anos atrás
اللغة الروسية
Функции мягкого знака
Очень часто мы просто игнорируем изучение функций мягкого знака ("ь"), и студент просто не знает, что...
 2 minutos
7 anos atrás
Pronunciation Tip: 'The'
You probably know that 'the' can be pronounced two ways, depending on the word that follows it. But...
 um minuto
6 anos atrás
Pronunciation is Tough
Pronunciation is Tough Could English pronunciation be one of the most difficult? I am currently learning...