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¿Dónde está mi Ñ? - Add new keyboard layout

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Hi Spanish lovers!
As you know, in Spanish we frequently use accents and the letter Ñ. As for many students typing these symbols has become a real headache, here I provide a selection of links explaining how to add a new keyboard layout to your computer. If you're learning Spanish, it's best to learn it the correct way from the very beginning, otherwise, bad habits, such as omitting accents, may become the rule.
  • For Windows: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/258824/how-to-change-your-keyboard-layout
  • For Mac: https://www.digitalcitizen.life/change-keyboard-input-language-mac
  • For occasional use: https://www.spanishdict.com/guide/how-to-type-spanish-accents-and-letters