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Ways to Keep Learning Going over the Summer

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So I know many of you are probably out and about enjoying the summer weather and vacation, which is natural, but it can also mean that you are neglecting your studies due to the nice weather and life happening during the summer months. That does not need to happen. You can still maintain your studies while having fun. It might take some discipline, but if you want to become a fluent speaker of any language, you need to be consistent even when the weather is nice.

Here are some tips to help you master this.
  1. Work on Summer Vocabulary Before you leave on vacation or just for fun, think about your upcoming plans for the summer and work on related vocabulary (e.g., beach, camping, or various sports-themed words). Challenge yourself to introduce your friends, co-workers or other summer companions to at least one of these new words during the summer.
2. Visit a foreign language bookstore
See what your town has to offer or the city you are visiting on vacation has for you. Then pick up some materials in English and translate them into your native language.

3. Play online games.
You can do this anywhere for 10-15 minutes from the beach you are on or the airplane that is taking you to your destination.

4. Try a service project

Look to find out if anyone in your community like an elderly person or child would like to learn English or practice it with you. It is a good way to practice your own and help someone else.

5. Visit” Another Country Online… Maybe you are not leaving home. Give yourself the opportunity to “see” a country where your language is spoken natively by creating a virtual itinerary. Stops you might consider including: the country’s tourist bureau, local museums and sites, Google Earth’s view of parks and other natural phenomena, and blogs or other personal websites of other English language learners.

I hope these tips helped you! Just remember you can have fun and learn at the same time. It is not a choice! If you want to practice conversation while you have time or are at home, sign up for a trial lesson. See you soon!
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