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What is the ranking of the use of the word "friend 친구" in Korean?

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What is the ranking of the use of the word "friend 친구" in Korean? In Korea, a friend means a close friend of the same age.The meaning is different from friends in other languages.

So if you introduce a person who is much older or younger than you as a friend, or if you ask an older person or a younger person to be friends with a younger person in Korean, the person may be embarrassed if the person is Korean. For Example 이 할아버지 내 친구야. or 이 할아버지는 저의 친구입니다. This grandpa is my friend. There is no problem grammatically, but it is a very strange Korean expression.

How often do you use the word "friend 친구" in your language?
For English, the word "friend" is ranked 286th in frequency of use.

In the case of Korean, the frequency of use of the word "friend친구" is 147th.
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SuYang📝Easy Korean

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