30 Daily Useful Expressions in Italian that you can learn, using just 1 verb !!

30 Daily Useful Expressions in Italian that you can learn, using just 1 verb !!

When you study a new language, you also need to remember new words and new expressions … and that can be difficult, especially for those people ( like me ) who do not have a good memory! Therefore, you must try to choose carefully the words that you are going to study. Be sure that they are really used in the daily life.

In this article, I am going to help you learn 30 daily used expressions, by using just 1 verb! It can be a great start if you have just begun learning Italian!

The verb that we are going to talk about today is the verb "to do/make" which is called in Italian "Fare"

Let's see how we can conjugate this verb

Io faccio I make/ do

Tu fai you (singular ) make/ do

Lui fa he makes / does

Lei fa she makes / does

Noi facciamo we make / do

Voi fate you (plural) make / do

Loro fanno they make / do

Let's start then!

1- Faccio una passeggiata = /fatʃɔ una passedˈdʒata/ = I go for a walk

2- Faccio una doccia = /fatʃɔ una ˈdottʃa/ = I take a shower

3- Faccio i compiti = /fatʃɔ i ˈkompiti/ = I do the homework

4- Faccio in tempo = /fatʃɔ in tempo/ = I make smth on time

5- Faccio colazione = / fatʃɔ kolatˈtsjone/ = I have breakfast

6- Faccio il bagno = / fatʃɔ il baɲɲo/ = I bathe / I go swimming

7- Faccio il bucato = / fatʃɔ il buˈkato/ = I do laundry

8- Faccio un giro = / fatʃɔ un dʒiro/ = I go around

9- Faccio un viaggio = / fatʃɔ un viˈaddʒo/ = I make a travel

10- Faccio una gita = / fatʃɔ una dʒita/ = I make a trip

11- Faccio la valigia = / fatʃɔ la vaˈlidʒa/ = I pack

12- faccio la spesa = / fatʃɔ la spesa/ = I do shopping

13- Faccio l'amore = / fatʃɔ laˈmore/ = I make love

14- Faccio attenzione = / fatʃɔ attenˈtsjone/= I pay attention

15- Faccio la fila = / fatʃɔ la fila/ = I queue

16- Faccio una foto = / fatʃɔ una foto/ = I take a picture

17- Faccio una domanda = / fatʃɔ una domanda/ = I ask a question

18- Faccio un brindisi = / fatʃɔ un brindizi/ = I make a toast

19- Faccio il check in = / fatʃɔ il check in/ = I check in

20- Fare le ore piccole = / fatʃɔ le ore pikkole/ = I stay up late

21- Faccio tardi = / fatʃɔ tardi / = I am late

22- Faccio una vacanza = / fatʃɔ una vaˈkantsa/ = I have a holiday

23- Faccio il biglietto = / fatʃɔ biʎˈʎetto/ = I buy the ticket

24- Faccio uno sconto = / fatʃɔ uno skonto/ = I do a discount

25- Faccio sport = / fatʃɔ sport/ = I do sport

26- faccio del mio meglio = / fatʃɔ del mio mɛʎʎo/ = I do my best

27- Fa caldo = /fa kaldo/ = It's hot (weather)

28- Fa freddo = /fa freddo/ = it's cold (weather)

29- Fa bel tempo = /fa bel tempo/ = the weather is good

30- Fa brutto tempo = /fa brutto tempo/ = the weather is bad


1- To make the interrogative form of these 30 sentences, it's enough to add a question mark at the end of each sentence if you are writing and to change the intonation of your voice if you are speaking.

2- If you want to create the negative form of these sentences, you can simply add "Non" at the beginning.

3- We used the form "Faccio" which means "I do" as an example but you can use any form of the verb "fare"

As you can see, by learning this verb, you can say lots of useful expressions and you can tell in Italian language many things that you do during your day!!!

I suggest you to use these expressions as much as possible and to try to practice! It's the best way to win your fear and reach your aim and speak Italian!



April 28, 2017
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Ciao! I am Italian from Reggio Calabria : A lovely city in southern Italy! I'm a teacher of Italian language since 2014. If you want to learn Italian, I will be very happy to help you! I have got a certificate as " Teacher of Italian Language for foreigners " from the University of Dante Alighieri in Reggio Calabria. I have been teaching Italian since 2014. I teach students of levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. I have a proven and successful method that will bring you from zero to advanced level in a short period of time! In our first lesson, I would like to know YOUR goals and aims, in order we work to reach them together, I will prepare a specific and individual program JUST FOR YOU!! My lessons are enjoyable, because we will not just discuss language and grammar, but also cultural sides and curious stuff as well. In the lessons you will also watch movies and listen to songs in order to practice what you have learnt. I believe practice is the right way in order to learn a language, s...
Ciao! I am Italian from Reggio Calabria : A lovely city in southern Italy! I'm a teacher of Italian language since 2014. If you want to learn Italian, I will be very happy to help you! I have got a certificate as " Teacher of Italian Language for foreigners " from the University of Dante Alighieri in Reggio Calabria. I have been teaching Italian since 2014. I teach students of levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. I have a proven and successful method that will bring you from zero to advanced level in a short period of time! In our first lesson, I would like to know YOUR goals and aims, in order we work to reach them together, I will prepare a specific and individual program JUST FOR YOU!! My lessons are enjoyable, because we will not just discuss language and grammar, but also cultural sides and curious stuff as well. In the lessons you will also watch movies and listen to songs in order to practice what you have learnt. I believe practice is the right way in order to learn a language, s...
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