Saint Patrick's Day 2020 - The New Normal

Saint Patrick's day is a highlight of the Irish calender. For as long as I can remember people have been dressing up in green, going out with friends and family, attending parades and having a good time.

This year the world has celebrated a very different Saint Patrick's day. The majority of Ireland is in isolation due to the covid19 virus. It is something that none of us had anticipated!

So how has Ireland celebrated today? Well lots of festivities have still taken place. People have dressed up in their favourite green clothes. Children have made their own parades and performed them in their gardens or on their street! People have uploaded their videos to the Internet to spread the joy with people around the country.

We may not have gotten the Saint Patrick's Day that we expected but we still had a day filled with celebrations.

With the ongoing isolation and social distancing I am wondering how this will continue to change the way in which we celebrate. I can't wait to see what new and interesting ways people enjoy special occasions in the future!

In a world full of people that have to stay so far apart from each other, we are still making sure that in a sense we in fact stay close together.
24. März 2020
Mi vida antes del Covid- 19 (IMPERFECTO) A-2
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