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Business Party 商务晚宴(3)

vor 3 Jahren

If you are invited to a business party in China, you should take this opportunity to promote relationship with your business partners. Let's learn some useful sentences about it!

5. 有(yǒu) 机(jī) 会(huì) 与(yǔ) 贵(guì) 公(gōng) 司(sī) 合(hé) 作(zuò),我(wǒ) 们(men) 非(fēi) 常 (cháng) 荣(róng) 幸(xìng)。

We are greatly honored to cooperate with your company.

6. 我(wǒ) 建(jiàn) 议(yì) 为(wéi) 我(wǒ) 们(men) 的(de) 合(hé) 作(zuò) 干(gān) 杯(bēi)!

I propose a toast for our cooperation!

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