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Easiest Way to Remember Colours of the Rainbow in English

vor 4 Jahren
One of the many topics in English that my students are always eager to learn is vocabulary!

How do you expect to have a free-flowing and confident conversation in any language if you don't know some of the words?

One of the topics I enjoy teaching my students during their vocabulary lessons is " colours ".

I know I used to struggle with remembering all 7 colours when I learnt about the rainbow in school, so I do understand when my students find it difficult to remember them too! But I found an easy trick and I hope this helps you too!.

All you need to do is remember this catchy phrase:

"Richard of York gave battle in vain."

The first letter of every word in the phrase is the first letter of all the different colours in the rainbow:
  • Red (Richard)
  • Orange (of)
  • Yellow (York)
  • Green (gave)
  • Blue (battle)
  • Indigo (in)
  • Violet (vain)
See how easy that was?

Whenever you're feeling a little stuck in your English journey, just remember that there always fun and easy tricks to help and guide you!

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