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vor 5 Jahren

We know that you like watching films, but what about watching them in Russian, so you can совместить приятное с полезным (combine both useful and pleasant things together). ⠀ We introduce you a list of films to watch in Russian according to your level: ⠀ 🔻Beginner. I would recommend you to start with cartoons, because they are short and not really complicated. One of the most popular cartoons in Russia:
1) Маша и медведь (A1),
2) Смешарики (А2).
Pay attention to the Russian fairytales. They can also show you Russian culture and character: Три богатыря (that is a serial of Russian cartoons based on the folklore). ⠀ 🔻Intermediate. You can watch some familiar films or stories that you already know to make it easier to understand Russian.
1) Шерлок Холмс и Доктор Ватсон (B1),
2) Д’Артаньян и три мушкетёра (B2),
3) Анна Каренина (TV serial) (B2). ⠀ 🔻Advanced. You can watch a big variety of films now. For instance,
1) Легенда №17,
2) Дурак,
3) О чём говорят мужчины. ⠀ ❓Какие фильмы вы любите смотреть?

If you want to raise your level in listening, check out our online Russian course: courses.ru-les.com
If you want to find more information about the Russian language, see Russian grammar with video explanations, small pieces from Russian movies to learn new words, Russian language lifehacks and many more interesting things every day, follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/rulessons ⠀

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