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Measure your English progress. Take a test! Which Test?

il y a 8 mois
Imagine English is like a big game, and in this game, there are certain levels you need to pass to show how good you are.

First level

Second Level

Third level

These levels are like tests.

Some of the most popular tests in this game are:
  1. IELTS: It's like a big maze where you have to read, write, speak, and listen in English. Many people take this test if they want to study or work in other countries.
  2. TOEFL: It's a bit like IELTS, but the game looks a little different. It's mostly taken on a computer. Students who want to study in American schools and universities often play this game.
  3. Cambridge English Exams: These are a series of tests. It's like going on different adventures, from easy ones to really hard ones. Choose your level and get started.
  4. PTE Academic: This is another computer game. It tests how well you can use English in real-life situations.
  5. TOEIC: This game is all about using English in the business world. It's like pretending to be a grown-up and doing jobs in English.
  6. Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) - Online Language Test: Imagine having a fun chat with someone online, just talking about your favorite things or what you did today. That's what the OPI is like! It's a test where you talk to someone online, and they check how good you are at speaking English. It's like having a friendly conversation and getting a score for how well you chat!

Pros and Cons (or the Good and Bad parts) related to how easy they are:
  • IELTS and TOEFL: They can be a bit tricky. Imagine them as big castles with many rooms to explore. Some people find IELTS speaking easier because you talk to a real person. In TOEFL, you speak to a computer.
  • Cambridge Exams: The good thing is you can choose which quest (or level) you want. So, you can start easy and go up.
  • PTE Academic: It's on a computer, and it tries to be like real life. Some kids find it fun, but others think it's a bit hard because it's very different.
  • TOEIC: This might be a bit boring for kids because it's all about grown-up work stuff. But it's useful for people who want business jobs.
Pros (The Good Parts) of OPI:
  1. Real Conversation: Unlike some tests where you speak to a computer, in OPI you have a real chat with a real person. It's more natural and can be less stressful for some people.
  2. Flexible Topics: The interviewer can change the topics based on what you know and like. So, you might end up talking about your favorite hobbies or movies!
  3. Detailed Feedback: Because it's an interview, the tester can give you feedback on exactly where you need to improve.
  4. Widely Recognized: Many schools, businesses, and organizations know about the OPI and trust its scores, especially in the US.
  5. Tests Actual Communication: It checks how well you can use English in real-life situations, not just if you can answer test questions.
Cons (The Not-So-Good Parts) of OPI:
  1. Nervousness: Some people get very nervous when talking to strangers, which can affect their performance.
  2. Subjectivity: Even though the interviewers are trained, they're still human. This means they might judge slightly differently than another interviewer.
  3. Less Practice Material: There aren't as many OPI practice books or websites as there are for tests like the IELTS or TOEFL.
  4. Cost: Like many English tests, the OPI can be a bit expensive for some people.
  5. Availability: While it's an online test, not all places offer the OPI, so some people might need to wait or travel to take it.
Remember, every game (or test) is different. Some might seem easy to one person and hard to another. It's all about finding the right game for you and practicing a lot! Find a tutor and get started in a game that helps you win in life!!!