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The spanish R

5 years ago
There are essentially two different "r" sounds in spanish.

The first is similar to how an American would pronounce the ‘tt' in ‘butter'. Some people call it a "tapped" r.
We pronounce the "r" this way when we write a single "r" and it's not the first letter of the word.

For exampl we would propunce "Amarilo" (Yellow) with this tapped r, but we would drag and kind of roll the r sound when pronouncing "Rosa" (Rose) or Río (River).

The other way we pronounce the r is like a trilled or rolled. This happens when we encounter two r written together or, as mentione before, a single r at the begining of the word.

I think the best example for these two different pronounciations is:
Pero (but) and Perro (Dog).