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Use Different Ways to Learn Vocabulary

8 months ago
Think, Write, Read, Talk, Listen, and Look - to Remember More

Make Reading Fun: Turn Learning into a Game

1. Pick Your Favorites:

  • Why: Reading something you love is more fun!
  • How: Choose books or articles about your hobbies or interests.

2. Reading Speed:

  • Why: Slowing down helps you grasp the text.
  • How: Read a paragraph, then pause to think about its meaning.

3. Context Clue Detective:

  • Why: Context clues help you figure out unknown words.
  • How: When you see a new word, read the sentences before and after it. Guess its meaning and then check in a dictionary.

4. Consistent Reading Habit:

  • Why: Regular reading expands vocabulary and improves understanding.
  • How:Start with materials that are easy for you. Read them a lot to understand new words from the context. Gradually add slightly harder materials each week.

5. Note-taking Skill:

  • Why: Notes help you remember key info.
  • How:Write down the main ideas. List new vocabulary and what you think they mean. Jot down questions to look up later.

6. Digital Learning:

  • Why: Online resources offer a wide range of topics.
  • How: Use platforms like Quora to read articles and answers that interest you. This will help you practice reading and understanding.

7. Summary Practice:

  • Why: Summarizing boosts your comprehension.
  • How: After you read something, explain it in your own words. This will help you remember and understand better.

8. Audio-Visual Technique:

  • Why: Hearing and speaking enhance memory and speaking skills.
  • How:Record yourself reading your notes aloud. Play it back to review and correct mistakes.

9. Intensive Vocabulary Building:

  • Why: A rich vocabulary aids in reading and communication.
  • How:Use flashcards or apps to learn new words. Review them regularly. Try to use them in sentences.

Rapid English Learning

Vocabulary Acquisition:

  1. Pick 20-80 New Words Daily: Begin with 20 and gradually increase.
  2. Note Them Down: Use flashcards, digital apps, or a notebook.
  3. Details: For each word, write the definition, a sentence, and any synonyms or antonyms.
  4. Review: Revisit these words multiple times each day.

Practice Speaking:

  1. Topic Time: Choose a subject or apply new vocabulary.
  2. Record Yourself: Speak for 5-10 minutes in English.
  3. Focus: Concentrate on pronunciation, sentence structure, and new words.

Active Listening and Transcription:

  1. Listen: Replay your recordings.
  2. Transcribe: Write down what you hear.
  3. Compare: Match your transcription with any notes you used. Spot the differences.


  1. Share: Let others hear your recordings.
  2. Ask for Tips: Obtain feedback on your pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.
  3. Improve: Utilize the feedback for better practice next time.
By employing these improved strategies and custom instructions, you'll not only enhance your vocabulary but also become a proficient reader and speaker in English.