-군요 Ending

-군요 Ending


This ending is used to show the listener that what just occurred—new information—has been acknowledged in the mental faculty of a speaker, especially through introspective reasoning rather than emotion. For example, the English teacher, Mr Keating, from the movie “Dead Poet’s Society” (I love the movie to death) takes you on a tour around the Vermont boarding school, and have you stand in front of the picture frame of those students who left their footprints a century ago, and whispers “Carpe Diem”. This ending might come in handy if you were hit by an epiphany that you are to seize the day to live a fulfilling life.

“인생을 이렇게 사는 거 군요.”
"This is the way to live a life”
Since his teaching registered in your head and you’ve processed it, you can be exclamatory in this way by letting the other person you’ve understood. The ending makes a sentence sound more like having a monologue with yourself out loud.


This ending can be used in all tenses, and the formula is as follows for active verbs like eat, drink, or go:

  • Present Tense: -는군요
  • Past Tense: -았/었군요

The formula for descriptive verbs like to be beautiful, majestic, out of the world is:
  • Present Tense: -군요
  • Past Tense: -았/었군요

In the casual form of speech (반말), you can use -구나 ending to conjugate the verb.
“아, 그녀는 정말 천사처럼 아름답구나!”
"Oh, she is really beautiful like an angel."

If you have any questions, please let me know via message or in the comment section down below!
15 января 2019 г.
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Myeonghoon Sun

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Hi, my name is Myeonghoon I believe novel and meaningful experience is what enriches life. My life, prior to being able to communicate in another language and thus get to know others from different cultures than my own, was void of pep. Then I set out to learn English as my second language, with which I experienced the world anew. The paradigm shift by exploring the uncharted cultural territory where new and worthwhile experiences are waiting to be found was, still is, so liberating and exhilarating that I would love to gift you with such experience knowledge in the Korean language offers. I invite you to find out a unique set of values and beliefs Koreans cherish. I’m very passionate about guiding my students to the right direction so that they can gain insights into not only the language but also Korean culture whose worth can be only truly appreciated with a good command of Korean. If you’re completely new to the Korean language, I’ll show you proper ways to produce its dis...
Hi, my name is Myeonghoon I believe novel and meaningful experience is what enriches life. My life, prior to being able to communicate in another language and thus get to know others from different cultures than my own, was void of pep. Then I set out to learn English as my second language, with which I experienced the world anew. The paradigm shift by exploring the uncharted cultural territory where new and worthwhile experiences are waiting to be found was, still is, so liberating and exhilarating that I would love to gift you with such experience knowledge in the Korean language offers. I invite you to find out a unique set of values and beliefs Koreans cherish. I’m very passionate about guiding my students to the right direction so that they can gain insights into not only the language but also Korean culture whose worth can be only truly appreciated with a good command of Korean. If you’re completely new to the Korean language, I’ll show you proper ways to produce its dis...
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