Practical Tips to Learn Egyptian Arabic

If you decided to learn Egyptian Arabic, whatever the reason you have, you will find this Arabic dialect is the most popular one all over the Middle East thanks to the popularity of the Egyptian movies, series, actors and actresses among the Arab countries and the reason is that Egyptian Arabic is the easiest Arabic dialect in the Arab world and that’s also the reason for non-native Arabic speakers and foreigners to learn it first as a modern Arabic language.
Here are some of the most useful and practical tips to help you learn Egyptian Arabic as fast and effectively as possible.
  • Start Small:
Don’t try to bite more than you can chew. Just choose the most common words and/or sentences that you may use in your daily contact with Egyptians and try to practice them for at least half an hour daily with yourself first then with some friends who can speak Arabic. In that way, you can learn Egyptian Arabic fast and the words will stick to your memory longer than you expect.
  • Find Egyptian Communities Online:
If you are living outside Egypt or the Arab world, search online for the communities and forums that host Egyptians and try to understand their Arabic writing and interact with them with questions or queries and even try to answer simple questions in Arabic and don’t worry, you will find them nice and cooperative and wanting to help you especially if you asked for help and they know that you are a foreigner who want to learn Egyptian Arabic.
  • Socializing is your way to learn fast and easy:
If you are already living in Egypt or one of the Arab countries, my advice to you will be attending as many Arabic events as you can. You can easily make many Egyptian friends from these events and you can still learn Egyptian Arabic easily and without effort because you are already having a good time with your new friends.
  • Have some fun while learning:
Why not learn while you watch some of classic comedy plays, movies or series. It will be difficult in the beginning to understand everything they say, but with time you will find yourself more familiar with some of the common Egyptian terminologies that are repeated in most of them. Here are some of the most classical comedic plays recommendations for you that you can find on YouTube and you can learn Egyptian Arabic from.
  • El Eyaal Kebre’at – “The children are grown up now”
  • El waad Sayed El-Shaghal – “ Sayyed the servant”

Hossam Mohaseb
27 de enero de 2017
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18 US$

Hossam Mohaseb

18 US$
For the past six years, I have studied and taught the Arabic language to non-native speakers. My education has progress from initial theoretical study being awarded a Master's Degree in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods of Helwan University. I have taught Arabic to students of many nationalities – American, British, Indian, Pakistani, Italian, Chinese, and Australian. I have taught students in a broad range of age groups – from children to adults. I have written and modified curricula of teaching, developed testing methods, added practice activity, and supervised educational trips to Egypt for foreign students. I am qualified in teaching Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, and Colloquial Arabic (Egyptian). I enjoy my work tremendously and work with constant drive for achievement. My working circumstances have been varied – working in foreign and Arab institutions, working in teams and alone. With groups, I am often in charge of the project. For me, the i...
For the past six years, I have studied and taught the Arabic language to non-native speakers. My education has progress from initial theoretical study being awarded a Master's Degree in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods of Helwan University. I have taught Arabic to students of many nationalities – American, British, Indian, Pakistani, Italian, Chinese, and Australian. I have taught students in a broad range of age groups – from children to adults. I have written and modified curricula of teaching, developed testing methods, added practice activity, and supervised educational trips to Egypt for foreign students. I am qualified in teaching Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, and Colloquial Arabic (Egyptian). I enjoy my work tremendously and work with constant drive for achievement. My working circumstances have been varied – working in foreign and Arab institutions, working in teams and alone. With groups, I am often in charge of the project. For me, the i...
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