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a lamp and carpet of Aladdin 😉 مصباح وسجادة علاء الدين

hace 4 años
The house 🏠 is the most comfortable place, and we wait for the end of the day to return to it
الـمـنـزل هـو أكـثـر مـكـان نـرتـاح فـيـه، ونـنـتـظـر نـهـايـة الـيـوم لـنـعود إلـيـه...

🏡Put cards with the names of your home furniture on each part of it🀄️ 🀄️ 🃏

Look at that beautiful student and what she did, and she allowed to share it too

This method will help you to make Arabic words familiar to you, and also used.

Join us in talking about your dream home, I will help you😊 💙