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Common English Words From the Internet, how many do you know?

hace 5 años

According to the Global Language Monitor, around 15 new words are added to the English language every day. And many new words have been created by internet users. Here’s a short list of common words that were invented online.


If someone is disappointed or embarrassed, they might cover their face with the palm of their hand. This is called a “facepalm.”

The word “facepalm” first appeared online in 1996, and is now commonly used as both a verb and a noun. For example, “I facepalmed when I couldn't remember her name” or "I should not have said that. Facepalm!"


The word “selfie” is short for “self-portrait photograph.” It was first used online in 2002, and has since become a very popular word, thanks to smartphones and social media sites like Instagram and Facebook.

In 2013, Oxford Dictionary made “selfie” the Word of the Year, and there is even a National Selfie Day!


Spam is a brand of cooked meat that is sold in a can. But in 1993, people on the internet started using the word to refer to any email that is not wanted, especially advertisements. You can use “spam” as a noun or a verb. For example, “I get a lot of spam,” or “Please stop spamming me.”


A “troll” is a type of magical creature. But on the internet, a “troll” is someone who tries to cause problems by writing messages that cause others to argue or become angry. For example, a troll might comment on an article about climate change calling it "fake news," just to start an argument.

Discussion Questions:
Which of the words from the article did you find the most interesting? Do you know any others?

Don't believe everything you read on the internet. - Unknown. Do you agree?

Source: https://app.engoo.com/daily-news/article/common-english-words-from-the-internet/VNh_qA0IEempCGcJvUZHnQ