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Polish Grammar Club Starts This Week!

hace 4 años
Hey Guys!

I'm helping my friend develop her amazing website - she's a professional Polish teacher, does classes online and has a web page where she posts many - often free! - exercises, podcasts or quizes - she has so many ideas to help you learn Polish better, quicker and easier!

Great news that I have for you is that from this week, we’re opening a Polski Daily Grammar Club for you!⁣ You don’t have to stress about confusing and complicated Polish grammar anymore! Every Saturday evening you can join our Zoom online class and chat about grammar with a professional Polish teacher - isn’t it amazing?⁣ ⁣ All details about the the Club you can find under this link: https://www.polskidaily.eu/klub-gramatyczny/

I hope you will join us and enjoy learning Polish even more – grammar doesn’t have to be scary! :)

Cheers, Dominika