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"Sing like a Canary" Guess the meaning of this idiom from the context of the story.

hace un año
Samantha was a notorious thief who had been caught by the police. They had enough evidence to put her behind bars for a long time, but they still needed to know who her accomplices were. The interrogator knew just the trick to make her spill the beans.
"Listen here, Samantha," he said, leaning in close. "You can either tell us everything you know about your partners in crime, or you can spend the next ten years in prison."
Samantha looked at him defiantly. "I ain't no snitch," she spat.
The interrogator smiled. "Oh, I think you are," he said, pulling out a small cage with a canary inside. "Let's see if we can get you to sing like a canary."

Samantha watched in horror as he opened the cage and placed the canary on her shoulder. "You wouldn't dare," she whispered.
But the interrogator was relentless. He began to turn the crank on a small music box, and the canary started to sing a beautiful melody. Samantha tried to ignore the bird, but she couldn't. The song was so sweet, and it seemed to be getting louder and louder until she thought her head might burst.
"Okay, okay," she finally screamed. "I'll talk, just make it stop!"
And with that, Samantha spilled everything she knew about her accomplices. The police were thrilled, and Samantha was left to wonder why she had ever thought she could outsmart them.