Quarantining your Language Skills

Notwithstanding the fact that we are a joint part connected in a global power of comunication, why not taking advantage exploring another language?
Coronavirus locked us down at home, a self-defense of conciousness drove us apart of selfish and workaholicism to a safety belt of protection for our beloved ones in respect of the entire community.
I wish that our Verbling students and teachers be brave and stronger through the days which are coming in. Stay connected in family, focusing your studies as never before. Do not spread fake news or negative impressions. Be positive and act in favour of passion and solidarity. This is our lesson for the next days. No matter where you live, no matter your mother tongue, we are all the same in essence as atomic particles inserted in an inteligent body system called Universe.
Transform your life, share your good ideas, be creative and plug your brain in this Verbling scenario of languages.
If your challenge is Portuguese, let's try together and follow me in my personal profile into this surprising and incredible art of speaking one of the most spoken idioms worldwide, but if you consider another language, Verbling offers you the best inspired and passionate teachers to help you wherever and whenever you need.
27 mars 2020
Mi vida antes del Covid- 19 (IMPERFECTO) A-2
Profile Picture
Alejandra Santiago
7 août 2020
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Abby H
7 août 2020
The Origins of popular English Idioms
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Jen Mc Monagle
7 août 2020