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B1 Cambridge PET Writing Part 2

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In the new PET exam, you can choose to write an article for part 2 of the writing paper. It should be about 100 words long. Here is a sample question from the new PET exam:


What kind of films do you enjoy? Do you prefer watching them at home or in the cinema? Write an article answering these questions and we will put it on our website! Big Screen or Home Comforts? (it needs a title!) We all love films, comedies, horror films and love stories. (show your vocabulary!!) Every day people watch films everywhere in the world. But where is the best place to watch a film? Is it at home or at the cinema? (Ask questions in the first paragraph to make the reader interested but no more than 2) I love watching some films at home because it's really comfortable and relaxing but I love watching action films at the cinema. The cinema has fantastic sound and the screen is much bigger than at home. Some films look better on a big screen and some are good to watch being comfortable at home. (put your main ideas in the 2nd paragraph) Personally, I recommend the cinema for films like Star Wars and the comfort of home for films that are funny. So if I were you I would get some friends and watch an action film at the cinema! (Use a second conditional (if + past simple + subject + would + infinitive) in the last paragraph) Well, I hope this helps! Contact me with any questions!