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Good news 2x1: Two English words for one Spanish word

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You know, sometimes Spanish language is tough to learn, but I bring you good news: Two English words for one  Spanish word.
Below you can read some examples:

Sombra: Shade -This tree give a good shade - Este árbol da una buena sombra
Shadow - We are living under the shadow of the war - Estamos viviendo bajo la  sombra de la  guerra

To make -
The teacher makes  homework for their students -  El profesor hace los deberes para sus estudiantes
To do - I do my homework-  Yo hago mis deberes

Date - She has a date with John on Friday night - Ella tiene una cita con Juan el viernes por la  noche
Appointment - I have an appointment with the doctor - Tengo una  cita  con el doctor

Sky - The stars shine in the sky - Las estrellas brillan en el cielo
Heaven - To go to heaven you have to be a good Christian - Para ir al cielo tienes que ser buen cristiano

Do you know more examples? I´m happy to read them.
