5 Tips to Learn Master any Language

We all agree that learning languages may not be the easiest thing ever. I believe that I know the Reason why. As a teacher for Arabic and English I went through a lot of situations with different students from different countries. I found out that there are 5 things can make learning new languages piece of cake
Let's find them out

1. Know that the concept of any language is to send and receive messages

Agree or not you have to know that languages are not the Aim actually it is the way. As languages is just sounds and shapes we use to send messages to each other so as long as you can send and receive massages using this language well congratulations you can speak it

2. Know why you want to learn this language

Learning languages could be as hard as claiming mountains and as large as wild forest. So if you didn’t have an aim it will be easy to get lost. Know why you want to learn any language what do you want from it do you want to be able to speak with natives or do you want to use it for business. Knowing this will make things a way easier and clearer

3. Read, Write, speak, listens and thinks

Well if you asked most people about the Main languages skills they will answer in ease" they are 4 Read, Write, speak and listen" well I am glad to tell you that there is a fifth skill and I believe it is the most important it is "Thinking" yes thinking. Most of use this language skill more than any other well yes we think way more than we read or speak or even listen so thinking in the language you want to learn could be the key to master this language

4. Start with the listening

As a baby first thing we know about any language is its sounds. So it makes a great sense for anyone who wants to learn any language to start with the skill of listening. So I encourage you if you want to learn any new languages go ahead and listen to its music watch is videos and of course speak to its natives

5. Start with the basics

Well learning new language could be tempting I mean like once you get to know the alphabet and some sound you go like yaaaay I got it all .Here you start to go so deep in details that could be harder than you think which will make you feel frustrated so take it easy go slow and stay better than fast and random and always remember learning new languages is like learning to ride a bike you will never forget it

Now I will stop here I want you to think about those 5 points and go through your learning language journey and note what mistakes you made and what points you missed. And wait for the next Article we will find out a lot about learning new languages

Please if you have any questions ask me on my verbling account
14 marzo 2017
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Ahmed Mohii Ali

18 USD
Hello everyone مرحباً اهلا وسهلا I'm Ahmed Mohy El-Din. Arabic & English Teacher and curriculum author at AIS (Arabic Institution of Studies). !Note!: all lessons come with All the Materials, Video report for each single lesson and Audio Mobile app exercise for each new word I have been teaching Arabic to non Arabic speakers for more than 6 years. In this time I taught Different Ages, Cultures for different reasons like jobs, academic studies, Islamic and tourism or just for fun. I taught Arabic Modern standard "Fos7a", Egyptian Amaia and gulf accents. Also I am a volunteer in AIESEC Egypt Responsible of teaching new AIESECers in Egypt the Egyptian Culture and language (Methods) As curriculum author I am fully aware of all Arabic teaching techniques which will enable me of designing teaching methods that serve the reason why my students want to study Arabic. Which means that all my courses are custom made for my students using games, songs, movies and much more. (promise) ...
Hello everyone مرحباً اهلا وسهلا I'm Ahmed Mohy El-Din. Arabic & English Teacher and curriculum author at AIS (Arabic Institution of Studies). !Note!: all lessons come with All the Materials, Video report for each single lesson and Audio Mobile app exercise for each new word I have been teaching Arabic to non Arabic speakers for more than 6 years. In this time I taught Different Ages, Cultures for different reasons like jobs, academic studies, Islamic and tourism or just for fun. I taught Arabic Modern standard "Fos7a", Egyptian Amaia and gulf accents. Also I am a volunteer in AIESEC Egypt Responsible of teaching new AIESECers in Egypt the Egyptian Culture and language (Methods) As curriculum author I am fully aware of all Arabic teaching techniques which will enable me of designing teaching methods that serve the reason why my students want to study Arabic. Which means that all my courses are custom made for my students using games, songs, movies and much more. (promise) ...
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