Phrasal verbs.

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all having a great weekend. I wanted to take some time out ( first phrasal verb introduction, sorry ) and share my sympathy with you, when it comes to phrasal verbs.
We have thousands and yes, I agree, they are not so logical. All the time spent learning the meaning of verbs and conjugations, and then they arrive…Phrasal verbs!!😀

Ok, let me start by saying I apologise on behalf of the English language, but there is hope, trust me, I have been teaching them for years and I have seen a huge improvement in all of my students.

Why are phrasal verbs so important.

Phrasal verbs are so important and very common in everyday speech and informal writing.
Learning phrasal verbs will give you more fluency and really help you connect to English speakers, they are familiar and friendly and really, they will give you the opportunity to communicate your feelings and ideas.

My personal phrasal verb tip.

Give yourself a realistic target. Try 2 new phrasal verbs in a week. Choose 2 connected to your work or private life and throughout the day, repeat them, connect them to certain situations, write them down, until, it becomes part of your vocabulary. Keep it simple and don’t stress out ( another, sorry ) and never give up!
Hope to hear from you all soon,
18 ottobre 2018
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Elizabeth Bufton

29 USD
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Hi everyone, my name is Liz!. I am an English Language Coach. I have been teaching, tutoring and coaching English for over 8 years now in the city of Bologna Italy. I work with Companies around Italy, such as Lamborghini, Unipol, KPMG and Unicredit. I also have my own company, coaching English. I have a method that is completely tailor-made around the needs of each learner. Whether you have an important Exam to prepare for, need support at school, need English for work, or love travel and want to feel more confident with the language, I am here to support you and help you reach your English objectives. My sessions are designed around you with guaranteed support and guidance. I would love to hear from you and help you plan your English journey!!
Regno Unito
Hi everyone, my name is Liz!. I am an English Language Coach. I have been teaching, tutoring and coaching English for over 8 years now in the city of Bologna Italy. I work with Companies around Italy, such as Lamborghini, Unipol, KPMG and Unicredit. I also have my own company, coaching English. I have a method that is completely tailor-made around the needs of each learner. Whether you have an important Exam to prepare for, need support at school, need English for work, or love travel and want to feel more confident with the language, I am here to support you and help you reach your English objectives. My sessions are designed around you with guaranteed support and guidance. I would love to hear from you and help you plan your English journey!!
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