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Advanced poetry vocabulary challenge C1-C2

2 anni fa
You can try this if you are in other levels, for example B2. Have a go!

How confident do you feel? Read the definitions of the words below then answer.

1. How many did you know?
2. Write sentences using the new vocabulary in context. You can write in any styles you prefer, self-reflection, or analytical. These words are suited to literature, poetry.
3. If you want to work on any pronunciation, we can do that together.

Hope you enjoy this challenge. Here is my attempt.

Whelved deep in the folds of my subconscous, soft memories of her face tried to rise up like a kalon perfect in every aspect, serein fell gently in the last rays of the day's Sun.

There we go. I'm a genius, and if you can do it then you're better than any native speaker.😜