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Do you have a sweet tooth?

3 anni fa
This week I have more news for you from the Polski Daily!

Summer is not only the time of barbecue, long walks or weekends away by the lake. It is also, or maybe most of all, the time for eating sweets! Poles really love home made cakes and pies, much more than the ones from the stores. And summer time, when all of the fruits are available, makes it the best time, as the task is very simple!

Starting already from spring time, when rhubarb comes up to the shops, on Sundays after dinner, on the table comes the yeast cake with rhubarb and crumbles, or slab cake with American blueberries (they are not the same as Polish ones, they are much sweeter and bigger!). From June, when pretty much all of the fruits are available in Poland, you can go crazy and make – a very popular in Poland – unbaked cheesecake with jelly topping and fruits, or yeast rolls sweet rolls with strawberries… or how about some raspberry cupcakes? There are so many choices!

My favourite kind is „jagodzianki”, so small yeast rolls with blueberries filling. They remind me of the summer holidays when I was a kid and with the family we would go to the Baltic Sea and every day on the beach there was this guy, who walked along the seaside and yelled „Jagodziaaaaaaanki! Fresh and still warm jagodziaaaaaaaaanki!”. Grandma would always get some for us. I remember that they were still warm when we ate them, sweet from the outside and a bit sour on the inside, because of the sour Polish blueberries. Then we would laugh and make fun showing each others our purple tongues – blueberries would dye everything they touch! ;)

All summer long we cherish these flavours and when September comes and autumn is just around the corner, the most popular cakes are the ones with apples or plums… But for now, let’s focus on the summer ones!

So, what do you say – are you going to bake something Polish during the weekend? ;)
