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How to build accuracy and fluency in any language: Spanish, English, French, etc.

6 anni fa
Have you ever felt afraid of using a word or phrase in the language you are learning because you are not completely sure of the authenticity of such a word?

I might say this has happened to all of us. One of the most important things when learning a new language is to build up confidence to speak and use the language in real context. Most of us start learning a foreign language either because we want to travel or study overseas, get a better job or meet people from all over the world. But the truth is that learning a foreign language is always challenging especially when it comes to grammar or pronunciation, these are things we all have struggled with at some point, but the benefits of learning a second or third language are certainly numerous. That is why learning a new language should be and exciting journey and not a pain in the back.
Here I want to share some of the things you can do to develop fluency and accuracy in any language. These strategies have been very effective for me when learning English and I hope you also find them useful.
1.- Be an active listener
Trust me! we all have ever felt frustrated for not being able to complete our sentences, phrases or stories in a coversation when using the target language. In my opinion, this mostly happens due to the axiety we feel at the moment of speaking that makes us forget words, or to the actual lack of vocab in our repertoire. That is why listening attentively to native spakers in conversations, tv shows, radio programs, songs, etc. will make a signifficant difference at the moment of speaking. You only have to focus on new words, phrases and/or expressions to fill those gaps in your vocabulary.
2.- Retain
But knowing the words is not only the thing. You should also repeat the new phrases over and over again in your mind as a way to retain that new information. I know it sounds crazy! but belive me it works since this also helps improve your memory skills. If you feel you identified a lot of new words, focus only on a couple so you don't get confused with a buch of new expressions you can barely remember.
3.- keep a notebook or journal
So you don't forget the new words or expressions you just learnt it is important to put them down in a notebook or journal, that way you can also keep track of the new language you are acquiring and make your learning more signifficant.
4.- .- Practice.
Now that you know the words and expressions it is time to use them! Since you got this language from native speakers you can rely on the authenticity. This will give you confidence to use them when talking in that language.
I hope these tips will help you in your language learning as much as they helped me!
Do you have any other particular techninques to work on accuracy and fluency?
Please share! I would love to know!