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Play and learn the question where and the furniture in Arabic

5 anni fa

Whatever your age, if you want to learn something new, your brain will need different and creative ways How do you learn (where) in addition to knowing the furniture of the house and its things in Arabic? There is a nice game, called Finding things. Where's the iron? Where the carpet, and so, play and you use the Arabic words you have learned, and the question format (where) also

Try and tell us your experience

أين المِكواه؟ المكواه فوق طاولة الكوي.

أين القطة؟ القطة تحت الأريكة.

أين الحاسوب؟ الحاسوب على المكتب.

أين الصورة؟ الصورة على الحائط.

Try not to use the translation, copy the sentence and put in Google in the search box pictures, and through the images that will appear you will understand the meaning.