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The rioplatense Spanish ant its distinctive traits

5 anni fa
Hi everybody! Good morning (from this part of the world: Córdoba, Argentina)
Today I want to present some of the main characteristics of rioplatense Spanish. (I wrote an article about this but its publication is quite delayed) I hope you like it and find it interesting and useful if you are thinking about studying Spanish 🤗...
The first distinctive feature is the “voseo”. This phenomenon replaces the personal pronoun "tú (you)" with "vos" also generating changes in the verbal conjugation.
Then, with the question "¿Tú qué quieres? (What do you want?)" In rioplatense Spanish we should ask "¿Vos qué querés?". However, "te" is maintained as an objective pronoun and "tu/tuyo" as possessive pronouns.
The second distinctive feature is a phenomenon known as "yeismo", since the rioplatense Spanish lost the distinction between the old approximate palatal lateral consonant represented by the /ll/ graph and the old approximating palatal consonant represented by the graph /y/. This resulted in a sound transformation [ʎ] to a voiced post-alveolar fricative: [ʒ], or also, sometimes it occurs as a voiceless post-alveolar fricative [ʃ]
What does all this mean? That before the appearance of /ll/ or /y/ the sound realization is like the sound "sh" of the English when reading words like "shut up", for example. Then, phrases like "Yo me llamo Yamila", in rioplatense Spanish, sounds as you can heard in the audio.

A third distinctive feature is the aspiration and drop of the /-s/, when It is at the end of the word and can be linked to the vowel of the next word. For example, the phrase "Los argentinos" in rioplatense Spanish sounds [lo'sargentinos], read all together and without stopping.
A fourth distinctive feature is given in terms of verb tenses. In rioplatense Spanish, there is a majority use of simple past tense, to refer to past actions; in contrast with the Spanish of the peninsula, where the preterit perfect is very often used. Instead of "esta mañana me he despertado temprano”, in rioplatense Spanish It is said "Esta mañana me levanté temprano"(This morning I woke up early). Also, there is a preference for the periphrastic future over the imperfect future, that is, instead of saying "Iré", "Voy a ir" is used.

Of course, these are just the main ones ... there are many other features that I hope you can read them soon when the article is published.😉
A warm hug. Cari