In light of the Corona Virus. What's there to do while stuck indoors?

As concerts are postponed, sporting events are canceled, schools are closed and tourist hot spots are shut down, experts recommend that even those who show no sign of illness stay home during this time of global pandemic. 

That's right: It's advised that you self-quarantine.
Although remaining inside is a good way to protect yourself and others from the Coronavirus, and is an important measure to help "flatten the curve" of daily cases that put pressure on our health care system, it could lead to a lesser evil: boredom and stir craziness. 

Spending the weekend at home isn’t ideal, but this is not just a national, rather a global emergency also. 

No matter, there’s a lot that can be done over the next few days or weeks to get yourself not only caught up but even ahead of life’s responsibilities while having plenty of fun as well.

Thus, In light of the self-quarantine due to the Corona Virus . What's there to do while stuck indoors?

Here are some suggestions on what are people doing while they are stuck at home. We've gathered our information from our friends and family across the globe and this what they have to say.


Get your taxes ready: For those of us that are from the United States, living in or outside, knows that this is Tax Season. With no brunches to go to, dinner dates, games to watch, or really any public fun to be had, this is the perfect time to start wrapping up your taxes.

Getting some work done: As we all know in today's corporate society the demands for more productivity has become the staple of almost every company in order to meet those standard expectations. However, the time given in order to meet these deadlines may not be enough to suffice those needs. Thus, an opportunity to stay home during this global crisis can be a good way to take advantage of, a perfect opportunity to catch up.

Clean and get organized: Maybe not all. However, many, like myself have always planned to get some things done around the house. Whether it's organizing the Garage, Painting the Living Room, and or tending to the yard that's absolutely craving for some TLC. But like some of us, whatever the reason it might have been, these plans seem to have only made it to the planning stages phase. Any productivity that was set out to do just never happened. Well, excuses no more. I will not indulge in the misnomer that “cleaning can be fun,” however it is something that’s necessary to do. Do ALL of your laundry, purge your home clean, and tidy up like there’s no tomorrow. While some of us can finally get that Garage Organized, if you know what I mean.

Exercise: There is no excuse. The closure of none essential business like a Fitness Club in particular, shouldn't be a reason why you cannot stay in shape. Or for those who's reasons (EXCUSES) for being so busy with no time to get yourself back in shape. Maybe now is the time to finally get it done. Quarantine or not there’s still plenty of ways to stay in good health. It might not be the same as your routine workout but there’s plenty of options and workouts that are being streamed to do from home.

Explore ways to save money: Now if you're like me, I certainly love to indulge on the weekends with my family. Whether hanging out at the locals malls which at one point or the other, you will not leave the mall empty handed, despite what you tell yourself before arriving. Taking long trips or just simply taking the family to watch a good movie then to a nice restaurant for dinner after. With no going out, no commutation costs, This is certainly an opportunity and many more ways to save a little bit of dough, now is the chance to go over your own finances to evaluate where you can save up during this crisis.

These basic TO-DO list are things that many of you have probably tackled already. If not, then, this can be a guideline to what you can finally give your attention to. We are sure there are more things to consider, that can include under the "RESPONSIBILITY" category. If there is and you are in the mood to share, we encourage our readers to please share by leaving a comment below. It would be a good way to help each other suggest and possibly encourage each other to finally get to do something that we have always long wanted to do.

As COVID-19 social distancing and self quarantining continue, some of us may be going stir crazy not able to go and do the things we’re used to. And based on what we have shared under the category of RESPONSIBILITY. What if you have accomplished those things already, then what can you do now.

Now is the time to relax, but when you’ve been cooped up for weeks, and still can’t hit the malls or movie theaters, how can you spend your time?

There are a lot of options out there. Here are 10 suggestive things you can do while you are stuck in the house.

1. Learn a New Language: Whether it's learning a new language or just simply enhancing your new language. This would be the best time to do so.

2. Complete a puzzle: The more pieces the better! Feeling extra saucy? Take on a Rubik's Cube. More of a word person? Crossword puzzle!

3. Start a journal or blog. Sure, it can be about the coronavirus, but it could also be about a specific interest from chess to cheese. 

4. If it won't bother your neighbors: Dust off that old instrument and practice. Otherwise, learn a new instument.

5.Write poetry. Perhaps you can craft a haiku for Mother's Day, or something without a specific structure. Just try it!

6. Watch all the really long movies you’ve avoided until now.

7. Meditate. Try lying down with your eyes closed, palms up and while focusing on your breath. Or spend 20 minutes sitting cross legged and repeat a soothing word to yourself in your head. (The latter is more like transcendental meditation.)

8. Learn calligraphy. YouTube can help.

9. Catch up with your family. Time to have meaningful lunches and dinners again, while catching up.

10. Sleep. Get lots of it.

These are just a small amount of things that we can do while we're stuck in place. There are many more things that certainly deserve to be added on this list. However, with the amount of things I can come we can come up with things we can do may, require a second part to this article. And even if I have chosen to go towards that direction, as a way to also keep me occupied while I, too, am stagnant at the comfort of my home, I would prefer for my readers to share their stories that may find it's way into someone's home and help them not go stir crazy.

Mi vida antes del Covid- 19 (IMPERFECTO) A-2
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