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Easiest Way to Remember Colours of the Rainbow in English

One of the many topics in English that my students are always eager to learn is vocabulary!

How do you expect to have a free-flowing and confident conversation in any language if you don't know some of the words?

One of the topics I enjoy teaching my students during their vocabulary lessons is " colours ".

I know I used to struggle with remembering all 7 colours when I learnt about the rainbow in school, so I do understand when my students find it difficult to remember them too! But I found an easy trick and I hope this helps you too!.

All you need to do is remember this catchy phrase:

"Richard of York gave battle in vain."

The first letter of every word in the phrase is the first letter of all the different colours in the rainbow:
  • Red (Richard)
  • Orange (of)
  • Yellow (York)
  • Green (gave)
  • Blue (battle)
  • Indigo (in)
  • Violet (vain)
See how easy that was?

Whenever you're feeling a little stuck in your English journey, just remember that there always fun and easy tricks to help and guide you!

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