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Every-man's Creed


Every-man's Creed

Who am I?
I dream, I have Faith, I am an island.
I have the power within me to achieve greatness.
I need only imagine, and my Will – will be.
I can create a new world.
I can cure humankind of all her ills.
I am an individual apart from all,
Yet connected to everyone.
The Earth, the sky, and the universe are mine to command.
From them I have the wealth of all that was and all that is to be.
My work will not be forgotten. My Spirit will live forever.
I embody every living thing and though I walk in the garden of life,
The spirit will not overcome me.
I am unique. I am all powerful. I am all-seeing. I am all-feeling.
I Am.

Mentor Josephan

Spherical Life Perspectives
American English Ready Set Go!