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It’s the autumn blues!

This week I have another piece of news for you from the Polski Daily!

September 22nd (so only last week!) was the September Equinox. It’s a holiday, celebrated in many countries under different names for ages! It represents a farewell to summer and brings us into the dark times of winter. It’s the time of harvest, rest for the people and the soil. Now nature goes to sleep to come back in spring with full blossom.
Already from the pagan times it was the time of finishing the harvest and thanking the gods for their plenitude. People would make bonfires, at which they would leave honey, grains, fruit and bakings. This way they would show their gratitude for sun, wind, earth and water, thanks to which they had the supplies to survive even the hardest of winters and at the same time, they asked gods for their support in the future.
Nowadays, the September Equinox is mostly associated with the autumn blues. People feel the lack of sun, their mood gets worse, they’re tired and don’t feel like doing anything. Instead of going out, into the cold and the rain, they’d prefer to stay home, hide under a blanket and drink hot cocoa. It’s time to let go, at least a little bit, slow down and rest. Let’s take care of ourselves!

Cheers! Dominika