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Tech-Speak - D

Commonly-used words, acronyms, and phrases that come up when working with a software developer.


1. DevOps
“Development Operations.” System of working that helps to keep development, IT operations, and quality assurance departments on the same page to make for better end-products and collaborations.

2. Domain
The address for a website as entered into the browser. If your server is the land your website is built on and the hosting is its house, the domain is its mailing address.

3. Dead-tree version
Slang for a printed document or publication, as opposed to an electronic version.

4. Defrag
short for: defragmentation
To optimize your hard drive, usually with a program that "cleans it up" and makes it run as smoothly as possible.

5. Down-time
This expression refers to lost production time due to a broken machine and its operator being unable to work. In modern usage, it can refer also to a slow network.

Feel free to contribute your own terms and acronyms to this list!