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Pronunciation: Past simple verbs that end in "-ed"

6년 전
How to pronounce the past simple form of verbs that end in "-ed:"
  • If the verb has a 'd' or a 't' SOUND before 'ed,' --> say an extra syllable: 'id'.
  • If the verb does NOT have a 'd' or 't' SOUND before 'ed,' --> DON'T add a syllable at the end.

Some examples:
  1. tested --> there IS a 't' or 'd' SOUND before ed, so you pronounce the word "test id."
  2. talked --> there is NOT a 't' or a 'd' SOUND before ed, so you pronounce the word "talkt."
  3. ended --> there IS a 't' or 'd' SOUND before ed, so you pronounce the word "end id."
  4. collapsed --> there is NOT a 't' or a 'd' SOUND before ed, so you pronounce the word "ko lapst."
  5. moved --> there is NOT a 't' or a 'd' SOUND before ed, so you pronounce the word "moovd"

Go here for pronunciation practice of the past simple form of verbs that end in -ed. Listen to the recorded pronunciation for each word, then practice saying the word yourself.