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Tips to Remember English Words

6년 전
Many students come to me asking me how to remember so many words. Well, here are some tricks you can try.

Creating mental images is normally where I start. We are visual creatures. Pictures are easier to remember than words. So if you can try to create a mental image to recall what you have read or heard when studying, then that will be helpful for you to retrieve and use it when necessary. 

Try some of these mental clues:

Acronyms – Acronyms are words that use the first letter of each of the words you need to remember. For example, HOMES stands for the five Great Lakes in the Northern Hemisphere. H – Huron, O – Ontario, M – Michigan, E – Erie, and S – Superior. By remembering the word HOMES, this will make it easier for you to remember the five lakes. Maybe you know of some other acronyms. You can create your own when you need some help with recall.

Acrostics – These are phrases or poems in which the first letter of each word or line is set up as a cue to help you recall the words you are trying to remember. For example, “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” is helpful to remember the order of mathematical operations in a math sentence: parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.  Again, you might know of some of these and you can create them yourself. For example, the word “separate” if often misspelled in the English language. But if you remember the words “a”, “rat” in the middle of the word you will be right every time.

Narratives – You can make up a story with the words throughout the narrative to help you with memorizing. Then you think of the story and all of the specific words/concepts, etc. that you needed to remember are embed in the story. It will be easier to retrieve and easier to retain the information.

Rhymes – Rhyming words are a fun, helpful tool to use. For example, the rule in English where words are spelled “i” before “e” except after “c” or sounded like “a” as in “neighbor” or “weigh”, helps you to spell all of those difficult “ie” (example:  chief, mischief, friend, etc.) and “ei”  (example:  neighbor, receive, weigh, conceit, etc.) words correctly. There are lots of other spelling rules to ensure correct spelling.
I hope these tips helped. If you want more advice or want to practice conversation, then sign up for a trial lesson, and we can design a plan just for you!