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American English Proverbs - 5

4 anos atrás
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
In Spanish: Obras son amores y no buenas razones.

(good intentions not always lead to good actions or results)

Example dialogue:
- Bruce, when are you going to repair the roof? You’ve been talking about it for a month now.
- Mona, please, stop nagging me about it. I have every intention of getting to it this weekend.
- Oh, sure! The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You say you are going to do it, but you keep putting it off.
- Well, something always comes up. I will start it on Saturday morning.
- Let’s see what happens. I won’t say another word about it, but good intentions are not enough when they are not followed by actions.

- Think of your own example to use this proverb.
- Is there an equivalent of this proverb in your language?