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Are you moody?

4 anos atrás
Here is a list of adjectives with similar or related meanings to moody. They are not equivalent but are useful in understanding the core meaning.

When I am moody it means, I'm generally happy, but I also like introspection and inner reflection, calm analysis a few times every day. I might be a little blue but I am not gloomy, I might be a little changeable, but I am reliable. My moodiness is mercurial, but not erratic.

How about you? In what ways are you moody?

Moody is typically used in a negative way. "The moody teenager slams doors and sulks".

However, we can have a more mature moodiness: "A moody landscape painting with much sensitive feeling". In this sense it is a positive thing, if it is done intentionally with self-control. If you are tuned into your feelings and have great intuition.