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Burns Night! What holiday is unique to your country?

4 anos atrás
Having just finished the festive period I've had time to think about what holiday comes next in my calendar. For me, being Scottish, it's Burns Night.

Burns Night is celebrated on the 25th of January of every year in Scotland. Burns Night celebrates the birthday and the life of the most famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns (known as Rabbie Burns).

During the lead up to the celebration, children of all ages at school will learn and recite one of his poems or songs, with over 550 to choose from. His most famous pieces of work include Auld Lang Syne (sung worldwide on New Years Eve), Tam o' Shanter and Tae a Moose.

On the evening, people will gather for supper, wearing tartan and listening to traditional folk music. Some may recite Rabbie’s works. There may also be a bagpiper who will pipe guests to dinner.

For Burns Supper we eat ‘Haggis, Neeps and Tatties’. Haggis is a savoury pudding made of sheep heart, lungs and liver combined with oatmeal, onions, suet and seasoning, traditionally cooked in the animal’s stomach. ‘Neeps and Tatties’ refer to mashed swede and potatoes.

What holidays are unique to your part of the world?