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Underwater Meadows Planted in the UK to Help Reverse Climate Change

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The Ocean Conservation Trust is working to replant seagrass in the UK to help marine life and reduce the effects of climate change.

After a year of preparation, volunteers have just started a four-year project to restore an underwater meadow in Plymouth Sound National Marine Park.

Seagrass can store a large amount of carbon, but it has been lost due to pollution and physical disturbance.

Not only does seagrass provide a habitat for marine life, but it also offers protection against storms and waves.

The seeds are expected to germinate in around three weeks. The four-year project aims to plant a total of eight hectares of seagrass meadows.
Vocabulary List
  • Seagrass - a type of grass that grows in salt water
  • Marine life - animals and plants that live in the ocean
  • Climate change - a long-term change in the Earth's weather patterns
  • Carbon - a chemical element that is found in all living things
  • Pollution - the contamination of air, water, or soil with harmful substances
  • Disturbance - the act of interrupting the normal course or activity of something
  • Habitat - the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
  • Seed - a small hard structure that contains the plant embryo and from which a new plant grows
  • Germinate - to begin to grow or develop
1. Do you think this is a good use of time and resources?

2. What do you think are the benefits of replanting seagrass?

3. Do you think more projects like this should be undertaken?
Source: https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/04/28/enormous-underwater-meadows-planted-in-the-uk-to-fight-climate-change
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Bianca Skye ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

US$ 60
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