Professores de Francês encontrados: 0

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Pauline G.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 3167
$ 39
por hora
Aulas 6.158Alunos 410
+4 outra(s)
Hi everybody! Nice to meet you! French learning by practicing in an enthusiastic and interactive spirit with an experimented French mother tongue trainer. Because a language is closely connected with many other cultural dimensions (habits, history, songs, literature, way of thinking, etc.), I propose you to dive deeply into the French environment during the lesson: it makes the learning process easier, funnier and more useful in your French daily life. Successful methods guaranteed: my dedicated students make significant and quick progress. You won´t be at a loss with the words* and you´ll be soon involved in Voltaire´s language adventure! *switch to the French phrase: « Ne pas avoir sa langue dans sa poche » (literally: don´t keep one´s tongue in one´s pocket) <A language, a culture… and a method> As I like discovering foreign cultures and travelling, I speak English and German fluently, I understand Spanish and I´m currently learning Arabic and Hebrew. My knowledge in language...
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Avaliações: 308
$ 25
por hora
Aulas 1.412Alunos 180
+3 outra(s)
Salut tout le monde ! Hi everyone ! 🔵⚪🔴 I'm Hugo Native French teacher with 10 years of experience with hundreds of students. If you want a training before an exam (DELF/DALF/TEF) I can help you. My students have 100% of success rate in the alliance française after my preparation. 🏆👨‍🏫 I also will help you to improve your speaking and writing skill and your accent. For beginners, my lessons contain : ✔️ a slide of the lesson (PDF) ✔️ related exercises with a personnal correction ✔️ some words to learn for the next lesson ✔️ The video and the board of the lesson to download ✔️ 24/7 whatsapp or line, to ask me all your questions If you are not beginner, we will do an evaluation during the first 30 minutes. It will help me to prepare a program for you. For the evaluation, I check : ✔️ you know to use the present tense ✔️ with irregular verbs ✔️ with pronominal verbs ✔️ you know how to speak about the past ✔️ you know how to speak about the future ✔️ You know how to count For my lessons, yo...
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Avaliações: 670
$ 35
por hora
Aulas 2.070Alunos 169
+5 outra(s)
ABOUT ME : Hi, my name is Lucas and I'm 29 years old. My native languages are both French and German, and I grew up speaking both languages at home. I also have dual citizenship. I started working as an online language teacher in 2015 and have since then obtained a CELTA teaching certificate and acquired face to face classroom experience while teaching in a language school in Japan. Over the years, I became more and more familiar with the language learning process, the mechanics behind it and the difficulties involved with language learning. I also realized that the most progress I made was when I had many meaningful and fun conversations with people. Doing that allowed me to reach a native-like English level. I am now trying to achieve the same goal with Japanese, Chinese and Korean. ABOUT MY LESSONS : As your teacher, I can talk with you about any topic you like such as world news, languages, culture, politics, books, movies, history and more, but also help with homework, re...
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Lalie V.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 326
$ 25
por hora
Aulas 1.131Alunos 152
+2 outra(s)
Bonjour, je m'appelle Lalie. I am a French teacher for 4 years and I worked in France and in Toronto at l'Alliance française. I love my profession because I can share my culture and meet others. In class, I will teach general French. I will help you with your grammar, conversation skills or help you to prepare an exam such as TEF, DELF/DALF. A bientôt !
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Ludivine B.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 1488
$ 33
por hora
Aulas 3.747Alunos 161
+2 outra(s)
Experte dans l'apprentissage, la correction et l'amélioration de la prononciation française pour les étrangers mais également pour l'aide aux devoirs du primaire jusqu'au lycée des élèves français . Bonjour, Je m'appelle Ludivine, je suis française et j'ai deux passions : enseigner le français et voyager ! Je parcours le monde depuis plus de 6ans en enseignant le français langue étrangère depuis plus de 5 ans sur Verbling. Avec plus de 3600 heures d'enseignement, j'ai cumulé beaucoup d'expériences et me suis notamment spécialisée dans la correction et l'apprentissage de la prononciation française . Je parle 4 langues ce qui me permet de m'adapter au mieux à chaque profil puisque je connais les différences entre le français et votre langue natale (espagnol , portugais , anglais) . Ma philosophie est que pour apprendre une langue, il faut favoriser la communication orale, rester motivé et prendre du plaisir dans l'apprentissage. J'espère vous rencontrez bientôt lors d'une première...
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Avaliações: 301
$ 31
por hora
Aulas 1.237Alunos 156
+2 outra(s)
Bonjour! Moi, c'est Matthias. I am a certified French teacher with a Master degree from La Sorbonne University in Paris, France with 15 years of teaching experience. I travelled around the world during my studies. I am currently working in the Philippines, where I have been teaching in different languages schools, such as Alliance Française and international universities. Moreover, I have also been teaching online for the past 6 years. I have taught more than 5500 hours of online courses to more than 650 students between 8 and 78 years old from 40 different nationalities. I love my job and I love teaching students from all over the world. This is such a great opportunity to share my culture and my love for the French language. I customize the classes for each of my students depending on their level, their needs, their interests and their objectives. I meticulously prepare each class using adapted and certified educational materials that I select for each student and I constantly ...
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Lenny M.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 1270
$ 22
por hora
Aulas 2.802Alunos 306
+2 outra(s)
Originаlly frоm Bоrdeаux, Frаnce, I аm а fully quаlified аnd experienced linguist оffering аffоrdаble French, English & Itаliаn tuitiоn tо аnyоne regаrdless оf аge аnd level. Patient, open and tolerant, I will tаilоr mаke yоur linguistic requirements. I will reseаrch аnd prоvide yоu with the teаching mаteriаl, recоmmending free оnline resоurces tо аssist yоu with yоur wоrk. Frоm lаnguаge teаching tо sаles, trаnslаtiоn, interpreting аnd custоmer cаre, my wide rаnge оf experience will help yоu succeed. I am proficient in corporate and educational teaching from children to adults. Please consult my feedback page to give you an idea what my students are saying about me. I hаve been vetted fоr security cleаrаnce, similаr tо а CRB check. My fees аre very cоmpetitive аnd negоtiаble if willing tо cоmmit tо severаl lessоns. Pleаse cоntаct me fоr аny questiоns yоu mаy hаve.
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Raphael M.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 583
$ 50
por hora
Aulas 1.310Alunos 115
+1 outra(s)
Welcome to my Verbling page! I'm Raphael, a seasoned French tutor originally from Paris, with 14 years of experience teaching in London and online. My approach goes beyond traditional tutoring. As your language coach, I'll help establish a clear learning path tailored to your needs, ambitions, and goals. Together, we'll craft bespoke lessons aimed at your success. I believe in fostering a supportive community where engagement is paramount. I'll be there to guide you every step of the way, monitoring your progress after each lesson. With my bi-cultural background and extensive experience, I bring a broad perspective to our sessions. Whether you need French for business, relocation, or socialising, I've got you covered. Our discussions span a wide range of topics, from art and literature to technology and politics. Join my roster of clients, including prestigious organisations like the British Red Cross and Interpol. All levels are welcome (A1 - C2). I look forward to working w...
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Avaliações: 934
$ 48
por hora
Aulas 2.308Alunos 112
+2 outra(s)
Bonjour, My name is Anissa, an experienced, native and certified French teacher. Professor of French and Social Sciences, I traveled the world and worked as well for NGO in humanitarian missions, as for Universities or High schools. French native, passionate about the language of Molière and desiring to share my culture, I obtained a Master in Education and a specific Diploma to "Teach French as foreign language". My Philosophy ? "Impossible is not French" N. Bonaparte No matter age or level, everyone can learn and progress ! I have always sought to bring innovative and playful practices to my teaching. Focusing on each student's individual level, interests, and goals, my classes are effective to achieve nice learning results in a shorter period of time. The courses will be based on your personal needs and during the class you will receive direct explanations, correction and feedback in order to instantly improve your language skills. Whether you want to learn French for...
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Avaliações: 228
$ 19
por hora
Aulas 809Alunos 191
+2 outra(s)
Hello! My name is Fulvia and I'm from France. I am a French and Spanish native speaker. I graduated in Languages in Lyons University and I have taught French to teenagers and adults in Costa-Rica, Chile, France & Italy for the last ten years. ✅ For Intermediate & upper Intermediate levels I use Genially Click the link below : ✅ For Beginners I use : Vite et bien A1-A2 ✅ For Business French Objectif Express '' Le monde professionnel en français '' A1/ A2 _ B1/B2 I love teaching French as a foreign language. I hope to see you soon in my private tutoring. I update my availability on Thursdays Languages Spoken: English /French / Italian / Spanish.
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Avaliações: 360
$ 45
por hora
Aulas 878Alunos 98
Bonjour tout le monde ! My name is Arthur, a native Parisian and a professional French teacher. As a freelancer, I frequently contribute to magazines and newspapers. Since 2015, I have taught French in London, Tokyo, and Granada, driven by my fascination with the language's beauty, poetry, nuances, and subtlety. My goal is to share this passion, helping you uncover the treasures of French. Whether you're learning French for studies, work, personal projects, or as a hobby, I'm eager to assist you, regardless of your proficiency level. I liken language learning to forest planting. First, you select the seeds carefully, then plant them thoughtfully - not just anywhere or anytime. The gardener's role is to choose the right seeds, timing, and location. Each seed represents a new piece of knowledge or skill, needing nurture in its early stages. Like a young shoot, it strengthens, expands, intermingles with other knowledge, and becomes vital in your language ecosystem. As time passes, ...
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Avaliações: 259
$ 40
por hora
Aulas 904Alunos 77
+1 outra(s)
Progresser en français à l'oral et préparer les examens officiels (DELF, DALF, TEF et TCF) Bonjour, Je suis professeur de français, ayant de l'expérience dans l'enseignement en cours particuliers ou en groupe à l'attention d'élèves d'université ou déjà inscrits dans la sphère professionnelle. Pour en savoir davantage : - ma chaîne Youtube : - mon blog : (en français / anglais / espagnol) J'aime les langues car elles sont le principal véhicule de la connaissance et de la culture. J'aime utiliser l'outil que représente la langue française pour transmettre un savoir. Diplômes : - Master en Management des Systèmes d'information (Université de Montpellier 2, France - 2010) - Master en Administration des entreprises (ESC Montpellier, France - 2010) - Bachelor of Business administration (La Trobe, Bendigo, Australia - 2008) - Apprentissage des fondamentaux théoriques de la langue français - grammaire, orthographe, conjugai...
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