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Rie T.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 51
$ 29
por hora
Aulas 265Alunos 13
+2 outra(s)
I will greatly respect your study pace! I am an experienced Japanese language teacher with over 17 years of experience teaching Japanese in Japan and South Korea. I have worked in various educational settings, such as Japanese language schools, vocational training schools, and foreign-owned enterprises. Currently, I teach Japanese on Verbling while holding the position of CEO at a J-CALP online education. I have been providing instruction in Japanese, primarily focused on preparing students for exams and assisting them in the university application process for Japanese institutions. Additionally, I work as a Freelance Translator, translating from Korean to Japanese. In our first lesson, please let me know your goals for learning Japanese. I will propose the best learning plan for you, and definitely improve your Japanese level and support you to advance with best suit your needs. My other careers: - movie subtitle translation (KO > JP) - Japanese writing of websites (StaySimpl...
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Sayoko O.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 160
$ 26
por hora
Aulas 541Alunos 33
+1 outra(s)
Hi I'm Sayoko! 😊Calm, patient and friendly certified tutor with 7 year of experience 🎓 Fluent in English🌍 Used to live in U.K, U.S.A and Australia😊Use Genki textbook mainly.🗾 Born in Tokyo, speak standard accent.🧳 25 years of experience as a translator of children’s book from English to Japanese.👨🏻‍🎓 Completed 420 hours Japanese teacher course😊Completed more than 1300 online lessons ( at Verbling, Preply and others ) For beginners, I teach Hiragana and Katakana using Google Jamboard, PDF and PTT. After that, I use a textbook 'Genki' and teach you sentence structure and grammar. I often use audio resources in order that you can get used to normal conversation speed and intonation. I also adopt Shadowing method. *Shadowing is a practice method in which a person listens to the audio and follows immediately what s/he hears, like a ‘shadow’ as faithfully as possible by voicing it. Unlike repeating exercises where a person listen to the audio and repeats it as at his/her own pace. My ...
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Hiro S.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 0
$ 18
por hora
Aulas 18Alunos 15
冬はとても寒い北海道の札幌出身です。今は暖かいフィリピンのCebuに住んいます。 Cebuに住んでもう5年以上になります。 年齢は54才。たくさんの人生経験をしてきましたのでどんな話題でも大丈夫です。 日本にいた時は会社の経営をしていました。 セールス、顧客対応、ビジネス会話、面接対策(私が面接官でした)、会社に印象の良い履歴書や職務経歴書の書き方の指導ができます。フィリピンではテレビCMでも有名なオンライン英会話の顧客管理や講師管理の部署で3年以上働きました。生徒の言語学習の悩みの相談などにも対応してきました。 オンラインで日本語を指導し1500レッスン以上の経験もあります。 旅行が大好きで海外、日本国内をたくさん旅行しました。会社の経営をしている間にたくさんの人脈を作りましたので有名なスポーツ選手や政治家、弁護士、刑事、医者、芸能人などのたくさんの友達がいます。ぜひいろいろな話題でお話しましょう。政治や経済、歴史、料理や旅行などなんでも大丈夫です。趣味は旅行と料理、オートバイ(Motor Bike)でのツーリング、きれいな海でのシュノーケリング、そしておいしいお酒(ビールやワイン)を飲むことです。みなさんとレッスンでお話しできるのを楽しみにしています。
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Ayako M.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 16
$ 34
por hora
Aulas 90Alunos 6
Hajimemashite! ヽ(・∀・) My name is AYAKO. 🇦🇺I recently returned to Japan after living in Melbourne for 15 Years as a Japanese teacher. I have teaching experience from Beginner to Advanced class👩🏻‍🏫 Especially, I have lots of JLPT, Intermediate, and Advanced Class though,I can explain Japanese grammatical structure as easily as possible in any level✏️ If you are struggling with it, I can help you! I’m looking forward to seeing you, and assisting your study while having fun! 【Corses】 -General course with textbook📚 (Genki, Tobira, Qurtet, 中級を学ぼう,上級で学ぶ日本語、etc) -JLPT N1 -N5 📕 -Conversion Practice🗣 ◇Normally I speak only Japanese in my class though, I can use English depends on the situation. ◇Please let me know what do you want to do in our lesson before trial😀 👍🏻 【Qualifications】 -Bachelor of Japanese Literature -420 hours training program for Japanese language teachers 【My interests】 -reading Japanese literature -reading manga -J-POP -cat 一緒に楽しく日本語を勉強しましょう!\(^ω^)/
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Avaliações: 19
$ 32
por hora
Aulas 68Alunos 14
+1 outra(s)
Hello! I've come back to teaching on Verbling👋 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you: ✅Interested in learning Japanese but have no idea don’t how to start? ✅Looking for a structured class? ✅Hoping to learn with a professional and friendly instructor? ✅New to online language classes? I have taught: 7000+ lessons both online and offline with students from 36 different countries ranging from 16 years old to 70 years old since 2018. All levels: starting from scratch to advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【About my Japanese classes】 ●Level: Beginners to pre-intermediate ・Textbooks: Based on -GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I & II" (2nd & 3rd editions) + my original materials 
*Purchasing the textbook is optional for this level. ●Level: Above intermediate ・Textbooks: Based on either QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills I&Ⅱ or TOBIRA Gateway to A...
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Avaliações: 542
$ 40
por hora
Aulas 1.277Alunos 31
Hello! My name is Mizuka♬ I am Japanese and born in Tokyo. I was hired as a Prima Ballerina at Opera National Romania for 7 years. So I managed to work Ballerina and Japanese Teacher. I have certification as Psychology Counselor. I will keep your motivation and teach you Japanese according to your goal. Also you will get correct Japanese pronunciation. I am from Tokyo and I speak standard Japanese. Let’s Talk with standard Japanese! I am a teacher for you, but I am a student as well. Let's study and have fun together! I'm looking forward to helping you and tell Japanese and Japanese Culture on a full scale for many people from around the world who want to learn. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
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Saki ★.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 128
$ 42
por hora
Aulas 279Alunos 24
+1 outra(s)
Beginners welcome🥰 Two courses are available😉Everyday Japanese AND Travel Japanese🥳 ===== Konnichiwa🍣 I’m a certified Japanese instructor. Two courses are available! 👩‍🏫Everyday Japanese course [A1-B1, N5-N3] This course cover all 4 communicative skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing! In my class, YOU will be doing most of the speaking! If you want to take the JLPT in the future, no problem. The lessons also cover the JLPT, so you don't have to study again for the JLPT. 👩‍🏫Travel Japanese course [A1-A2] You will study phrases that can be used immediately by people who are traveling to Japan. This course doesn't require students to memorize hiragana, katakana, or grammar. You will memorize phrases that can be used in travel as they are. I teach you not only what is in the textbooks, but also the words that Japanese people actually use in a conversation, foods and places that are popular in Japan today🥰 🔥You don't need to buy a textbook for my lessons! 🔥You can see my l...
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Yui H.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 27
$ 25
por hora
Aulas 30Alunos 4
+3 outra(s)
Hi! My name is Yui,I was born and raised in Japan, speaking native Japanese and fluent English with a TEFL & TESOL certification of Grade A. I have half year experience of teaching in language subjects. I am patient, friendly, and optimistic. I am ready to provide a tailored class for you on both spoken and written Japanese . Other than that, I have been a language tutor on an online platform, for foreigners who want to learn Japanese. We could discuss the plan to achieve your goals in our first lesson. I'm recently learning Chinese and Korean so that I know how difficult to learn new language. I took HSK4 level test before. I have been to Perth in Australia for one year to learn English. I have been to 30 countries. as you can guess, I love traveling and experience another culture and language. I graduated from English and literature class. In my teaching, mainly we speak what has done today or tomorrow like daily conversation so we can use easy step to lean new language. if you ...
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YUKI K.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 37
$ 20
por hora
Aulas 132Alunos 22
Hello there. I'm Yuki I have been teaching Japanese language online since 2018. Are you having a hard time learning the Japanese language? Well, worry no more. I’m here to help you. I will teach you all the basic skills in Japanese in a fun and an easy way. So come and join me. see you then. こんにちは ゆき です。じつは わたし も えいご を まなんでいる せいとの ひとり です。いいたいこと を うまく つたえられない とき や つたわった とき の かんどう は だれよりも りかい できます。そして その かんどう を みなさん と きょうゆう できたら すばらしい と おもって います。 にほんのこと あなたの くにのこと ぶんか それから しゅみ など いろんなこと を おはなし したいと おもっています。 I have completed the Japanese language teacher training course, so I can easily tell you what I learned during the training. Learning other languages ​​is not easy, but even in such cases, I will teach you to learn a language well. Since I was a student myself, I can really understand the feelings of the students. It can be tailored to the needs of the student. So let's study together, work hard and have fun. Lessons and lesson style Not all students are made equal. Some stud...
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