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Carlos Alberto R.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 692
$ 24
por hora
Aulas 2.335Alunos 215
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? Mi nombre es Carlos Alberto. Soy de Valladolid (España) y soy Profesor Nativo de Español. Tengo amplia experiencia en la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera en diferentes academias, organizaciones sociales y en clases online. Mi estilo docente es muy dinámico, práctico y participativo, me adapto a los objetivos y motivaciones que tú tengas. Podemos centrarnos más en la Conversación, Comprensión oral o lectora, Escritura, Vocabulario, Gramática, Pronunciación y temáticas concretas que quieras tratar como, por ejemplo, negocios, historia, filosofía de vida, deportes, viajes, cultura…. ¡Lo que tú quieras! Para las clases utilizaremos múltiples soportes: videos, audios, hojas de actividades, imágenes y materiales de lectura, con los que aprenderemos juntos Español y todo lo relacionado con la sociedad y cultura Hispánica de una forma Didáctica y MUY Divertida. ¡Te acompaño a que des el paso y Aprendas Español! ¡Viajemos juntos en esta Aventura! ¡Salu...
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Carlos G.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 165
$ 30
por hora
Costa Rica
Aulas 514Alunos 58
+4 outra(s)
Hola, ¿qué tal? Mi nombre es Carlos, ¿y tú? 😊 I come from a small paradise in Central America known for the beauty of its nature: Costa Rica! 🌴 As you might have guessed, Spanish is my native language. I hold a degree in Spanish Language and Literature, and not one, not two, but three certifications as a DELE (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language) Examiner! 💼 Moreover, I have over 15 years of experience teaching Spanish to students from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. I've worked in both traditional classroom and with the latest virtual distance learning methods. 🚀 Are you ready to embark on this linguistic adventure with me? Let's have fun while learning Spanish together! 🎉
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Laura H.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 651
$ 25
por hora
Aulas 4.368Alunos 261
+2 outra(s)
Let me tell you about me...My degree is in Translation and Interpreting and I am studying for my Master's Degree in Linguistics. I also have several Certifications in Methodology and Translanguaging. I have created useful material for Dual Teaching that will be for sale soon on different platforms. I have more than 25 years of teaching experience. I ran my own Spanish-English language school in Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo for 10 years. Back in Mexico City, I have worked at different schools at all levels and in private tutoring face-to-face and online. I have worked in CEPE (Centro de Español para Extranjeros), UNAM. And also for TEC de Monterrey where I was the Coordinator of the Language Center and I have been Teacher's Supervisor, monitoring classes and teachers. I have more than 5 years of experience in Customer Service as well as in different Call Centers. Most recently, I'm working on my Youtube Channel and I post daily Educational Articles or videos on Tik ...
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Mariana L.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 391
$ 30
por hora
Aulas 1.212Alunos 138
Hi everyone! My name is Mariana and I’m a Spanish tutor from México. I have over 6 years of experience as a Spanish and acting teacher. I was born and raised in Tijuana, one of the busiest borders in the world, which has given me an opportunity of making English language a part of my day to day life. I know the challenges that come with learning a new language and I believe the best way to learn something new is by practicing it and enjoying the process. My lessons are dynamic, focused on topics that are in your interest. We will start studying the basics of Spanish language, once you have that base, we will go to the most productive and fun stage which is the practice! Our lessons will be focused on conversation and dynamic readings - videos on topics that interest you, we will go step by step, stopping at everything that is not understood and talk through it. I want you to be aware of your inner knowledge and potential! Let’s make this learning process a fun one! :)
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Francinie M.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 2357
$ 32
por hora
Costa Rica
Aulas 4.274Alunos 180
+1 outra(s)
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Francinie Miranda, soy de Costa Rica. Estoy por terminar mi maestría en Traducción e Interpretación del Inglés. También tengo una Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés y un Bachillerato en Enseñanza y Traducción del Inglés. Soy una persona energética con mucha iniciativa, confiable, responsable, puntual y siempre positiva. Me gusta generar en los estudiantes confianza en si mismos para que pueden expresarse en otros idiomas. La motivación hacia los estudiantes y la creatividad son características indispensables de mis clases. Hello! My name is Francinie Miranda; I am from Costa Rica. I'm working on my Masters in Translation and Interpretation of English. I also have an Undergraduate Degree in English Teaching and Translation. I am an energetic person with a lot of initiative, reliable, responsible, punctual, and always positive. I like to help students build the self-confidence to express themselves in other languages. Motivating students and being creative are ...
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Eliana Á.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 1648
$ 21
por hora
Aulas 3.653Alunos 173
+1 outra(s)
¡Hola, hermosa comunidad! Es una alegría ser parte de su aprendizaje. Mi nombre es Eliana Álvarez, soy Colombiana, mi lengua nativa es el español. Tengo una Licenciatura en Educación, con la que he tenido el privilegio de trabajar en la enseñanza de este hermoso idioma. A través de nuestra plataforma quiero ofrecerte una inmersión online a mi lengua nativa, mi cultura y mis tradiciones. Tendremos clases desde practicas conversacionales hacia las raíces de este hermoso idioma, que seguramente te abrirá las puertas para seguir conociendo el mundo. Te invito a que hoy te subscribas y empieces esa meta que te has propuesto: aprender un nuevo idioma. Yo seré tu profesora y apoyaré toda tu experiencia.
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Javier d.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 655
$ 39,99
por hora
Aulas 1.127Alunos 119
+2 outra(s)
✔ Native English and Spanish Speaker! 1000+ lessons taught on Verbling HIGH-QUALITY AUDIO, VIDEO & INTERNET 🎤 🎥 🌐 I speak both Spanish and English which is by far the biggest advantage I can offer you and it's something that sets me apart from all other teachers on Verbling; when explaining Spanish grammar, syntax, and pronunciation, I will be able to use a language you understand. My classes are always 30-45 minutes of conversation in Spanish, followed by specific grammatical topics catered towards your level. I also provide a textbook at no cost to you, which will help create structure and organization to our classes. I teach Spanish at an American high school and I also work as a Spanish medical interpreter during the Summer. Working with Spanish is what I do professionally, which is why you will appreciate having me as your personal tutor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is what some of my current and former st...
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Sergio Arturo B.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 1401
$ 16
por hora
Aulas 3.125Alunos 185
+3 outra(s)
MUSIC! LITERATURE! TRAVEL! FOOD! CHESS! POKER! I'm an easy-going person, I appreciate having discussions about various subjects, I am pretty open-minded. I’m happy to be here and get the opportunity to share some stories about my place and use them to teach you. I like to meet people with different cultures, languages and opinions, I’ll enjoy if you teach me something from your habits and traditions. Before this adventure, I used to give lessons in a junior high school, I’ve experience with the management of students from eleven until fifteen years old, we read books from different classic writers around the world, we practiced writing, grammar, personal expressions, vocabulary, theater presentations, poetry and many many subjects that made me really appreciate my job; I was interested in helping them with skills to deve...
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Santiago Gallego Villasecurity_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 4253
$ 25
por hora
Aulas 8.095Alunos 180
+1 outra(s)
¡Hola, queridos estudiantes! Bienvenidos a mi página en Verbling. I am from Medellín Colombia and I have studied a degree in foreign language teaching at the University of Antioquia. So far, I have taught Spanish, English and French for 7 years. I really love languages and teaching and I am so happy because you want to learn to speak Spanish. During my classes, I like to use the "communicative approach" to improve speaking skills, but also I teach grammar in a way that you can enjoy it. I know that we all have different ways of learning, so I like to adapt the classes to the needs and level of every student. Additionally, we can practice some of the idiomatic expressions and work with creative material that can be applied to your context. So, we can create the best class with an excellent environment to use Spanish all the time. If you want, you can book a trial lesson now; I'll be glad to have you in my class. See you soon!! Thank you for your support. By the way, you can read...
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Elena M.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 2078
$ 20
por hora
Aulas 4.813Alunos 182
¡Hola! Hello! My name is Elena. I have experience as a teacher of Spanish as a second language for more than 20 years. I have a M.A in Hispano American Literature and Spanish Language and also a Diploma in Spanish Grammar. I have experience in teaching at all levels (from A1 to C2) and I also have experience as a DELE examiner (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language). I have worked in Korea for many years. There, I taught Spanish in some important universities, in high school, in Language Centers and also in the Mexican Embassy in Korea. My way of teaching Spanish is step by step and, according to your needs, I will choose the material and method that is best for you. I like that my students feel comfortable and encourage them to talk as much as they can. Do you want to book a test lesson and learn more about my classes? **Each lesson lasts 55 minutes. * If you are a new student at Verbling, please follow the links below with the most frequently asked questions about how t...
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Mayra A.security_checkedFlag
Avaliações: 5138
$ 26
por hora
Aulas 8.989Alunos 721
+3 outra(s)
IMPORTANT: DEAR STUDENTS, I WILL BE IN MATERNAL LEAVE THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE! -------------------------------------------------------------------- If your case is urgent send me a message! ¡Hola! I am Mayra. fulltime professional teacher with more than 6 years in Verbling! I'm from Mexico. I have been teaching languages (Italian, English and Spanish) since 2004. I have a degree in Italian Literature and a Master's degree in Modern Philology. I'm currently teaching Spanish in Barcelona. Personally, teaching my native language is an amazing experience because not only I can teach Spanish but also its culture and literature. I can prepare your for the: DELE EXAM, AP Spanish Language and Culture, ETS Exam, Spanish: World Exam and SIELE In my private tutoring: -You will learn at your own speed, -You will have personalized lesson plans - You will improve in all areas: speaking, grammar, listening, vocabulary, listening skills, writing, reading, pronunciation. -You will get exam ...
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Avaliações: 1301
$ 22
por hora
Aulas 3.298Alunos 274
+1 outra(s)
Hola, mi nombre es Carolina! Soy de Medellín - Colombia y actualmente me encuentro viviendo en Medellín. Soy artista, terapeuta en Reiki y creo fielmente que en este mundo somos energía dando y recibiendo, por eso me encuentro aquí en Verbling para ayudarte de una forma amigable, sincera y especial a avanzar en el aprendizaje y expresión del español. Tengo conocimiento previo en inglés y portugués, tengo experiencia enseñando español a extranjeros, y aquí en Brasil también me encuentro dando clases de español a niños y niñas de diferentes edades y algunos con deficiencias intelectuales, por eso siento que tengo facilidad para adaptarme a los estudiantes que llegan a mi. Mi propósito es adaptarme y enfocarme en tus necesidades, sea conversación, pronunciación, escritura o comenzar de una forma positiva a aprender el idioma si te encuentras en el nivel más básico. Siento que la forma mas linda de aprender un idioma es conectándote con las personas, intercambiando ideas, conocimiento y...
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