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Have you seen “The Witcher”?

4 года назад
This week I have another news for you from the Polski Daily website! If you’re interested in learning more about Polish language and culture, you can sign up for weekly newsletters here: polskidaily.eu!

The Witcher is the series of books by the Polish fantasy writer Andrzej Sapkowski, which became so popular, that after releasing them, all kinds of new commercial materials came out - like TV series, movies and video games! The newest Netflix series about the Witcher and his adventures brought a lot of popularity to the characters and became an international hit. They are currently filming the second season and I don’t know about you, but I just can’t wait!

The books and the show are of course super entertaining – the action, battle and fight scenes, witchcraft, magical creatures, love and war – kind of a mix of The Lord Of The Rings with Harry Potter! :) But what’s the most interesting thing for me is the usage of Slavic mythology. Andrzej Sapkowski created his creatures basing on the Slavic myths, beliefs and pagan gods. Thanks to all this, you can learn a lot about the old Poland! Unfortunately, Slavic mythology was almost completely lost, unlike Greek or Roman, but from what we do know, we can see exactly in The Witcher!

