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Your talents and abilities will improve over time, but you’ve got to start somewhere.

5 yıl önce
Small habits done consistently over time produce lasting results.

We've all heard it before. But how many of us have really put effort into mastering the installation of new habits into our lives. There is a process to go through which some people find natural, but other's have to learn.

The easiest ways to make a new habit is 1. Make a small easy to do change so motivation isn't necessary 2. Do the new habit before or after an old one (the piggy back effect) 3. Make instilling the new habit a priority in your life for the first 30-60 days.

Habits don't have to be daily. It could be a new routine you will do on Sundays for example, the same principles apply. We need to understand our weaknesses to properly be able to build new or existing strengths.

Martin Luther King Jr. said: "If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

Keep moving forward has now become an acronym "KMF", I often use it in conversations with my friends and students.

Anyway, the purpose of this small reminder today is I hope some of you reading can start a new habit that you've been putting off. If it is to get fitter, start with 5 minutes of exercise or a 20 minute walk in the evenings. If it is to learn a language, start with what ever you can stand doing on a regular basis.

Just remember, the important thing is that we all KMF and enjoy the process.

Have you recently started small when creating a new habit? What was it? How is it going?

I would love to hear about it! :smile: