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5 年前
Hello! My name is Natasha. I’m doing a master’s degree and I really need some help from you.
I’m currently working on my thesis, for which I’m researching people’s reasons for learning Russian.I’m particularly interested in the motivations of those who are studying Russian independently, outside of formal institutions such as universities. (but if you’re a student, your participation is still very important for me)
I’d like you to answer some questions.
The first questionnaire has some general questions about your language learning experience (it’ll take less than 5 minutes).
When I’ve finished gathering this initial data, I’ll send you the second (and probably final) questionnaire. You’ll be asked to answer some more specific questions about the learning process.
This research is really important for me, so I’d greatly appreciate your participation and your help.
Here are two links (same questionnaire in English and in Russian)
  1. EN - https://forms.gle/BLGE3tpfoGHCQovA8
2. RU - https://forms.gle/VRFxL9ehHibiNeBi7