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4 年前
Hi Verbling,
Well, lyrics have to be changed a bit after we become old enough to understand that there is no real Santa Claus, who slides down our chimneys (if any) in the dead of night on Christmas Eve to deliver our presents as per our wish list. But, be it a teenager who is living on an ever-depleting pocket money or an adult with a comfortably big salary, everyone craves for a large-hearted Santa on Christmas.
It’s Christmas after all! There are cakes to be baked, gifts to be bought, parties to be attended, decorations to be put up, dinners to be hosted, holidays to be planned, and a New Year to be rung in! For all this you definitely need an early Santa to save you from running in to a debt with your bankers even before the air gets thick with festivities. So, Rajesh Bhaskar is making a sincere attempt to step in to these overlarge shoes by bringing you a bag full of discounts offers from all corners, this Christmas.