How to build most Italian Tenses - A fast shortcut

ARE / MANGIARE, PARLARE, GUARDARE ERE / LEGGERE, VEDERE, SCRIVERE IRE / DORMIRE, SENTIRE PRESENTE When we want to build the present, it's enough to use this trick
REMOVE from the infinitive ARE – ERE and IRE and ADD in the following order :
1° person singular - O ex: mangio, parlo, guardo, leggo, vedo, scrivo, dormo, sento
2° person singular - I ex. parli, guardi, mangi (it's not necessary to add another “i” in this case because it already exists), leggi, vedi, scrivi, dormi, senti 3° person singular - A for verbs that end in ARE . Ex ; mangia, parla, guarda, cammina, ascolta
- E for verbs that end in ERE and IRE . Ex ; legge, vede, scrive, dorme, sente. 1° person plural - IAMO ex: mangiamo, parliamo, leggiamo, vediamo, scriviamo, sentiamo, dormiamo 2° person plural – ATE for verbs that finish in ARE. Ex: mangiate, parlate, guardate, camminate -
ETE for verbs that finish in ERE Ex : leggete, vedete, scrivete -
ITE for verbs that finish in IRE Ex: dormite, sentite 3° person plural – ANO for verbs that finish in ARE. Ex: Mangiano, parlano, guardano - ONO for verbs that finish in ERE and IRE. Ex. Leggono, vedono, scrivono, dormono, sentono Of course there are irregular verbs :
Andare → vado, vai, va , andiamo, andate, vanno
FARE → faccio, fai, fa, facciamo, fate, fanno
PRESENT CONTINUOUS It's based on the use of the verb STARE 1° person singular STO
2° person singular STAI 3° person sing STA 1° person plural STIAMO 2° person plu STATE 3° person plu STANNO + the verb you wanna use REMOVING from the infinitive ARE – ERE and IRE and ADDING in the following order: ANDO if the verb finishes in ARE . EX: Sto mangiando, stai parlando, sta guardando, stiamo ascoltando, state giocando, stanno camminando ENDO if the verb finishes in ERE and IRE . EX: Sto leggendo, stai vedendo, sta scrivendo, stiamo dormendo, state sentendo, stanno vivendo PAST CONTINUOUS It's exactly like the present continuous, the only thing that changes is the form of stare, that is in Imperfetto 1° person sing STAVO
2° person sing STAVI
3° person sing STAVA 1° person plu STAVAMO
2° person plu STAVATE
3° person plu STAVANO EX: STAVO MANGIANDO STAVI PARLANDO STAVA DORMENDO PASSATO PROSSIMO It's easy to build. Basically we use most of the time the present simple of “to have” when we mean actions: 1° person sing HO
2° person sing HAI
3° person sing HA 1° person plu ABBIAMO
2° person plu AVETE
3° person plu HANNO
+ the past participle of the verb . Building the Past Participle is easy. You just take the infinitive, REMOVE the ending -RE and ADD ….. -TO
So eventually this is what come out when you build the Passato Prossimo 1° person sing HO MANGIATO
2° person sing HAI COMPRATO
3° person sing HA SENTITO 1° person plu ABBIAMO GIOCATO
2° person plu AVETE PORTATO
3° person plu HANNO GUARDATO Of course there are irregulars : VISTO (vedere), LETTO (leggere), FATTO (fare), MOSSO (muovere), SCRITTO ( scrivere), DETTO (dire) PASSATO PROSSIMO PART 2 Instead we use the auxiliar to be when is about State, movements and body: 1° person sing SONO
2° person sing SEI
3° person sing E' 1° person plu SIAMO
2° person plu SIETE 3° person plu SONO Don't worry... there are not a lot of verbs to use in this form. The most important verbs are the following ANDARE (to go)→ SONO ANDATO/ANDATA , SEI ANDATO/A, E' ANDATO/A, SIAMO ANDATI/ANDATE , SIETE ANDATI/E, SONO ANDATI/E Exactly! When we use the auxiliar to be , the past participle correspond to the gender and the number of the subject. VENIRE (to come)→ SONO VENUTO/A, SEI VENUTO/A, E' VENUTO/A, SIAMO VENUTI/E, SIETE VENUTI/E. SONO VENUTI/E ESSERE (to be)→ SONO STATO/A, SEI STATO/A, E' STATO/A, SIAMO STATI/E, SIETE STATI/E, SONO STATI/E. CRESCERE (to grow up)→ SONO CRESCIUTO/A, SEI CRESCIUTO/A, E' CRESCIUTO/A, SIAMO CRESCIUTI/E, SIETE CRESCIUTI/E, SONO CRESCIUTI/E. ARRIVARE ( arrive) → SONO ARRIVATO/A, SEI ARRIVATO/A, E' ARRIVATO/A, SIAMO ARRIVATI/E, SIETE ARRIVATI/E, SONO ARRIVATI/E. IMPERFETTO
It's another kind of past that corresponds at “Used to” in English, but especially about a past state of mind of action that happened in the past.
Ex.: I thought was the right thing to do Pensavo che era la cosa giusta da fare because my state of mind in that moment was that, i used to think that ...Did u get it? Classic example with i used to
EX: I used to eat meat. Mangiavo la carne
You just take the infinitive REMOVE the ending -RE and ADD ….. : 1° person sing - VO ex: mangiavo, parlavo, guardavo, leggevo, mettevo dormivo, sentivo 2° person sing - VI ex. parlerai, guardavi, mangiavi , leggevi, dormivi, sentivi 3° person sing - - VA ex. parlava, guardava, mangiava , leggeva,dormiva, sentiva 1° person plu - VAMO ex. parlavamo, guardavamo, mangiavamo, leggevamo, dormivamo, sentivamo 2° person plu - VATE ex. parlavate, guardavate, mangiavate, leggevate, dormivate, sentivate 3° person plu - VANO ex. parlavano, guardavano, mangiavano, leggevano, dormivano, sentivano Of Course there are irregulars: FARE → Facevo, facevi, faceva, facevamo, facevate, facevano DIRE → Dicevo, dicevi, diceva, dicevamo, dicevate, dicevano


When we want to build the future, it's enough to use this trick REMOVE from the infinitive ARE – ERE and IRE and ADD in the following order : 1° person sing - ERO' for verbs in ARE and ERE ex: mangerò, parlerò, guarderò, leggerò, metterò - IRO' for verbs in IRE ex: dormirò, sentirò, dirò 2° person sing - ERAI ex. parlerai, guarderai, mangerai , leggerai, - IRAI for verbs in IRE ex: dormirai, sentirai, dirai 3° person sing - - ERA' ex. parlerà, guarderà, mangerà , leggerà, - IRA' for verbs in IRE ex: dormirà, sentirà, dirà 1° person plu - EREMO ex. parleremo, guarderemo, mangeremo, leggeremo,
- IREMO for verbs in IRE ex: dormiremo, sentiremo, diremo 2° person plu - ERETE ex. parlerete, guarderete, mangerete, leggerete,
- IRETE for verbs in IRE ex: dormirete, sentirete, direte 3° person plu - ERANNO ex. parleranno, guarderanno, mangeranno, leggeranno,
- IRANNO for verbs in IRE ex: dormiranno, sentiranno, diranno Of Course there are irregulars : (FARE) FARO', FARAI, FARA', FAREMO, FARETE, FARANNO (ANDARE) ANDRO', ANDRAI, ADRA', ANDREMO, ANDRETE, ANDRANNO
30. Oktober 2018
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COMPLETE ITALIAN: Levels A1-C2 Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced Accent Training, Writing, Listening, Reading, Pronunciation, Fluency, Grammar, Comprehension, Motivation, Strong Routines & more! Welcome to my profile! I have been working as a Italian teacher for three years now. My teaching experience, along with a Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Cinema and Television, Master Degree of Communcation in Schools & DITALS Certificate offer the best training to my students. I have taught children, teenagers, adults and business people. ONCE YOU SEE RESULTS, IT BECOMES AN ADDICTION. Me as a Teacher I am highly prepared and effective teacher. I have the experience, knowledge and empathy necessary to make sure you reach your goals the way you want to. During the first lesson I am assessing progress, correcting errors and diagnosing what needs to be done in follow-up lesson. I always try to get to know my students and figure out what is the best way to teach each person. I always ass...
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COMPLETE ITALIAN: Levels A1-C2 Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced Accent Training, Writing, Listening, Reading, Pronunciation, Fluency, Grammar, Comprehension, Motivation, Strong Routines & more! Welcome to my profile! I have been working as a Italian teacher for three years now. My teaching experience, along with a Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Cinema and Television, Master Degree of Communcation in Schools & DITALS Certificate offer the best training to my students. I have taught children, teenagers, adults and business people. ONCE YOU SEE RESULTS, IT BECOMES AN ADDICTION. Me as a Teacher I am highly prepared and effective teacher. I have the experience, knowledge and empathy necessary to make sure you reach your goals the way you want to. During the first lesson I am assessing progress, correcting errors and diagnosing what needs to be done in follow-up lesson. I always try to get to know my students and figure out what is the best way to teach each person. I always ass...
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