How to say 'It's raining!' in English

I don't think it needs to be said that England gets A LOT of rain! 😂 It's just one reason why the landscape is such a vibrant and fresh green. Consequently we have developed a different name for almost every type of rain, as well as having plenty of ways to say it. The most famous one which I'm sure you are familiar with is 'It's raining cats and dogs!' which means it's raining very heavily. It seems an odd expression until you realize from where it originates. One explanation is that in old England, cats and dogs slept on the roofs of old thatched houses. When it rained heavily, the dogs would slide off!
Here are some of the most popular ones along with there meanings!

1. Tipping down!- This is really another way of saying it's raining heavily.

2. Bucketing down- This is when the rain is falling so heavily it's as if it is being poured from a bucket!

3. Spitting- This is the stage where the rain is JUST beginning, so there is a longer gap in between drops

4. Drizzle- This is when the rain is very gentle and hardly noticeable.

5. Chucking/Pouring it down- Again, another way to say it's raining hard.

6. A shower- This is a short period of rain, sometimes said as 'a passing shower'

7. Mizzling- This word is used to describe the sort of rain that is in between a mist and a drizzle.

8. Sleeting- This type of rain is a sort of 'wet snow' or 'half-frozen' rain.

16 octobre 2019
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Laura Richards

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😄 Well done on taking the first step! đŸ’ȘđŸŒ Are you a professional, or need English for work, and despite your level still have difficulty expressing yourself clearly? Do you often have a hard time in meetings when you can’t understand others or they can’t understand you? Then, you’re in the right place. You might feel frustrated with not being able to reach a level no matter how much time you spend studying. Perhaps the thought of dealing with telephone calls, interviews, meetings, or presentations in English makes you anxious; you’re in the right place! đŸ™ŒđŸŒ Whether your dream is a promotion, travel, or just feeling more satisfied with your work life, English is what is keeping you from this. Maybe your usual methods such as watching movies or having simple conversations don’t benefit your skills like they used to. Rest assured, you are not the first! You are here because you need something more. With my help, your colleagues can understand you easily and clearly when you speak in Eng...
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