The 6 Best English Learning Podcasts

Fully immersing yourself into learning a language takes a sprinkle of dedication, a little more motivation and a lot of help from online resources. When you’re unable to commit time at your desk, podcasts are an easy and portable resource to help you on your way to language fluency.

If English isn’t your native language, and you’re looking to engage yourself through alternate avenues of language learning, check out these great English learning podcasts.


The English We Speak

Tired of conjugations and the strict definitions of proper English? Try out The English We Speak by the BBC. This series is centered on slang words and phrases spoken by real people to get you more accustomed to native jargon. Each lesson is roughly 3-4 minutes, providing a quick snippet of really useful English slang you can walk away with.

All Ears English

All Ears English takes a quirky spin on mastering the language, using real-world conversation starters as a point of departure. Some topics include: “4 Topics to Use on a First Date in English,” “Learn How to Meet Someone in English in a Confident and Easy Way,” and “How to Naturally Interrupt Someone in English.” The series takes on less standard educational topics such as vocabulary and opens the listeners’ ears to more informal interactions.

Listen to English

This podcast takes a less conversational approach and focuses more on the listening aspect of learning a new language. In each episode, the series host speaks about a particular subject, giving students the option of following along through the transcript provided. Students are then able to test their knowledge through grammar and vocabulary quizzes.

6-Minute Grammar

Another great English podcast from the BBC, 6-Minute Grammar airs every Tuesday and comprises short clips. Each week guests come on to present a foundational area of grammar, along with applicable examples—all within 6 short minutes.


This podcast is perfect for students looking to expand their vocabulary, because let’s face it, everyone sounds better when they throw a word like “demiurgic” into everyday conversation. In each episode, Dr. Jeff introduces two new vocabulary words, repeating them in different ways so students can get a full understanding of the words. With podcasts airing three times a week, listeners are able to pick up words quickly and start integrating them into their conversations.

Splendid Speaking

Ready to take the next step in proficiency? Splendid Speaking is aimed at more advanced English learners, looking to take their speaking skills to the next level. The podcast takes an interesting approach to teaching, as guests are often learning English as a second language. Each episode offers constructive feedback on guest presentations and fluency, giving listeners the ability to spot possible mistakes along the way.


Learning another language can have many crucial elements beyond just learning the words. Phrasing, phonetics, and semantics are all just as fundamental and can be only acquired through conversations with real people. These podcasts are a fun and easy way to boost your proficiency and get you speaking like a native in no time.



About the author:

Marcella is Verbling's Director of Community and Content. She not only works at Verbling, she learns on Verbling as well. Marcella is currently learning Italian.

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