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Chinois mandarin
The dictionaries won't tell you what this sentence structure means.
大家好,我叫Joanna。 昨天我的学生David看到这样一句话:“一个男人,只要怕老婆,就坏不到哪里去。” David 记得我告诉过他: “到哪里去 & verb+到哪里去”意思是 “去哪里,去什么地方”,比如:...
 2 minutes
il y a 4 ans
HSK 5 Vocabulary / 时刻 [shíkè]
The meaning of 时刻 1. As a noun, it means "moment",表示具体的,比较短的时间点或者时间段。 2. As an adverb, it means "constantly"...
 une minute
il y a 5 ans
Chinois mandarin
HSK 5 Vocabulary / 勿 [wù]
The meaning of 勿[wù]: 勿 – means “do not” or “don't” and is similar to 不要. The 请勿[qǐnɡwù] structure:...